

SA’s offer to mediate Israel-Palestine conflict; Joburg’s growth status; and the benefits of recycling vapes and iPhones

SA’s offer to mediate Israel-Palestine conflict; Joburg’s growth status; and the benefits of recycling vapes and iPhones
A rally in solidarity with Israel in front of the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany, 22 October 2023. (Photo: EPA-EFE / Clemens Bilan) | President Cyril Ramaphosa on 28 July 2023 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. (Photo: STR / Getty Images) | Protesters hold a giant Palestinian flag during a rally in support of Palestinians, Geneva, Switzerland, 21 October 2023. (Photo: EPA-EFE / Salvatore Di Nolfi)

SA’s offer to mediate in Israel must not be ignored — remember Northern Ireland​. Has Joburg stopped growing or are the 2022 census numbers simply wrong? And good reasons to recycle your old vape or unused iPhone.

Read the Weekend Wrap here. 


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  • Gary De Sousa says:

    How can a country like SA who is openly a supporter of palistien and hammas pretend to be able to negotiate peace, same as supporting russia trying to be a peace broker.

  • Koggel Mander says:

    Ramaposa will quickly find out that he is not negotiating with de Klerk and Meyer again.
    Better he doesn’t get an opportunity to speak, lest others be embarrassed on his behalf again. Or is he hoping for an opportunity to beg for money?

  • Nick Griffon says:

    A mediator should be impartial.
    The ANC openly support terrorists.

  • Trenton Carr says:

    Completely tone deaf

  • Glyn Morgan says:

    Come on guys, give Ramaphsa a chance! Every negotiation needs a joker!

    • Stephen Paul says:

      Ramaphosa and Pandor, wearing their khafiyas, offering to mediate. Israel is not laughing.
      May the cANCer pack of cards fall in the next election

    • Stephen Paul says:

      Ramaphosa and Pandor, wearing their khafiyas, offering to mediate. Israel is not laughing.
      May the cANCer pack of cards fall in the next election

  • Mordechai Yitzchak says:

    Someone told them there was an all-expenses paid trip abroad up for grabs, all hands went up …

  • Beezy Bailey says:

    I think it’s a vitally important important thing to do. Good for Cyril and others trying to broker peace . Hamas s dream is to provoke Israel with Hamas acts of savagery into continuing to flatten the Gaza Strip, and bring Iran and other Arab countries into the fray thus achieving Hamas aim of destroying Israel. And risking a world war. A cease fire is essential at this stage and the end of the siege of The Gaza Strip , allowing essential humanitarian supplies to get in. NOW ! the consequences of the revenge attacks have already seeded generational hatred that will see only darkness and evil. Please it is time for humanity and light to prevail.

  • Beezy Bailey says:

    I think it’s a vitally important important thing to do. Good for Cyril and others trying to broker peace . Hamas s dream is to provoke Israel with Hamas acts of savagery into continuing to flatten the Gaza Strip, and bring Iran and other Arab countries into the fray thus achieving Hamas aim of destroying Israel. And risking a world war. A cease fire is essential at this stage and the end of the siege of The Gaza Strip , allowing essential humanitarian supplies to get in. NOW ! the consequences of the revenge attacks have already seeded generational hatred that will see only darkness and evil. Please it is time for humanity and light to prevail.

    • Peppy Anckorn says:

      If only Beezy but you can’t negotiate with Hamas which is a terrorist organisation. They want the end of the State of Israel. They don’t care about humanity or Peace. They are fanatics. If you did try to negotiate with them you would not have a successful outcome.

      • Beezy Bailey says:

        My point is that Hamas has set a trap for Israel: provoking the violent retaliation for the barbaric attacks by Hamas , leading to war crimes being committed by Israel and endless bombing of Gaza the Israelis are walking into that trap right now , ie , Iran is threatening to join Hamas and potentially other Arab groups thus threatening the survival of Israel. A cease fire and an end to the siege of Gaza by Israel [ condemned by the United Nations and millions of people around the world, ] is essential for the long term survival of Israel.

  • Mike Newton says:

    The French have a saying, translated it is ” The lion is a bad animal. When he is attacked, he defends himself”

  • Ben Hawkins says:

    Cyril want to mediate, but he can’t sort out the shit in his own country

  • Msimelelo Tywakadi says:

    Very proud to be SA, at this time of turmoil, and everybody is pointing fingers and seeking revenge. My country and my government is calling for peace and we are offering to do something positive

  • Wynand Swart says:

    The mind boggles! How can Ramaphosa offer himself as a peace-broker while his own country is in a crisis with water, electricity and food shortages? Those are the same problems that Gaza has right now!
    Mr President they say charity begins at home!

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