Defend Truth

Maverick Insider T&Cs

Maverick Insider is the voluntary membership programme of the Daily Maverick. The membership does not grant access to our content – that is free for all and will remain so. Maverick Insiders are paying in order to ensure the Daily Maverick’s independent journalism is accessible to everyone. By becoming a Maverick Insider you agree to our Terms and Conditions as follows:

Community Guidelines

As a member, you agree to abide by the legal use of Daily Maverick as laid out in our general terms here: Legal TL/DR – don’t do anything dodgy on our site, and do not send any denial of service attacks. We will send Liam Neeson after you. 

Membership Costs

Maverick Insider is a voluntary contribution – either made monthly or annually. You choose the amount to pay and how often. In some cases, we will allow honorary memberships for those who do great things in the Daily Maverick realm and can’t afford the monetary costs. On occasion, we may change or terminate a product. If and when this happens, we will communicate with our members in a timely fashion especially if this will mean our member incurring additional cost. In other words, we’ll give you the opportunity to opt-out if we ever increase the cost of a product type. And we won’t hold it against you if you choose to opt-out. Promise.

Cancellations and Refunds

You can cancel or pause your membership at any stage. As contributions are voluntary and received in good faith, we do not refund on monies already received. Once a cancellation has been directed the membership will continue until the end of the paid period. We simply cannot take the food out of the journalists’ mouths once it’s been fed.

Membership Benefits

  • Events: Promotions and tickets are offered on a first-come, first served basis and will be distributed through the channels communicated.
  • Tickets are non-transferable, but often we’ll let you bring a friend.
  • Daily Maverick will not be held responsible for any costs incurred should an event be postponed or cancelled for reasons outside our control. We’ll endeavour to notify everyone with enough warning if we do need to move things around.
  • Certain events will be held by Daily Maverick and other events by third parties. Additional terms and conditions may be applicable to events run by third parties and it is the responsibility of the Maverick Insider to be informed and adhere to those T&Cs.
Uber Promo Codes
  • Monthly Uber promo codes issued to Maverick Insiders are non-transferable and limited to 2 x R50 promo codes per month for Uber Rides and 2 x R50 promo codes for Uber Eats.


As a member, you agree to abide by our comments policy: Comments policy The general rule is don’t be a toolbag – be nice. As Dirty Harry said, we all have our own opinions and viewpoints. Accept the challenge and try to convince someone of this in a courteous and respectful manner. This is our third attempt at comments and we’re not sure if we have another attempt in us. Please play nicely with each other.

Still have more questions? Check out our FAQs