Defend Truth

Maverick Insider FAQ

Why has Daily Maverick started Maverick Insider?

Maverick Insider is about more than just supporting quality, independent journalism financially and keeping it accessible for all readers. It’s also about building a community with our loyal readers who want to share in unique experiences and help us write this new chapter of Daily Maverick. Globally, news media is in a very challenging space but even more so in a country like South Africa. We cannot navigate these waters alone, and nor do we want to. Our editorial, talking about the launch of Maverick Insider explains it a bit more.

What do you mean by engagement?

As publishers, we know the one metric that aligns all our efforts better than anything else in “engagement”. The more engaged readers are the more likely they way stay longer, share our stories and subscribe to our newsletters. And all of this is underpinned by quality journalism. So too with Maverick Insider, it is our intention to provide new ways for members to engage with us, whether that be editorially or through the raft of events we have planned for you. We have plans to incorporate members in ways to improve our editorial, by listening to feedback on stories, increasing our array of experts for commentary and soliciting story ideas. Engaged readers and members are our most underutilised (and most willing) co-conspirators. We intend to change that. In addition, it is our hope to get to know you a little better and vice-versa. Whether that be through personal communication, webinars or live events.

What are some examples of non-financial engagement with Maverick Insiders?

In the short time Maverick Insider has been operating there have been a number of engagements with our Insiders that have genuinely contributed to Daily Maverick. They have completed surveys for us, suggested – and aided – in ideas for improving our podcast offering and offered technical advice to make the site run more efficiently. They have volunteered at our annual conference and have even been hired by us: our Maverick Insider Community Manager was one of the first Insiders to sign up. Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.

What is the vision for Maverick Insider?

Growing in hundreds, and then thousands of members we see Daily Maverick being heavily influenced by the rise of the Maverick Insider community. By becoming more inclusive in our editorial listening and engagement, as well as figuring out the puzzle of news media together, Daily Maverick will ensure that all new products and projects will consider how Insiders can be included in the effort.  We believe the programme will become the leading example of how a community effort can inspire and assist one of the best news publishers on the continent to even greater heights. Going beyond the financial contribution of members, we will seek out ways to include other avenues of contribution to Daily Maverick and how the combined efforts of members and staff can align to serve the public interest and Defend Truth.

What is the difference between the membership plans?

  • The primary benefit of the membership plan is to keep Daily Maverick free for all – especially those who can’t afford to pay but want to be informed.
  • Contribution amounts are therefore voluntary.
  • Currently, the only difference between membership plans is those who pay R200 or more per month receive a monthly R100 Uber ride promo code and a R100 Uber Eats promo code.

What benefits do you offer Maverick Insider Members?

As a member, you will receive the following:

  • A bi-weekly Maverick Insider newsletter detailing what has been going on behind-the-scenes at Daily Maverick
  • Ad-free browsing 
  • The ability to comment on articles. All registered Daily Maverick readers are  able to view comments but only Insiders will be able to comment.
  • Invitations and discounted tickets to our events
  • Member-only webinars with our journalists and editors
  • Discounted tickets to our annual conferences – The Gathering.
  • Partner benefits (eg. monthly Uber promo codes for members who pay R200 or more per month).

Tell me about the Uber deal for Maverick Insiders

Maverick Insiders who contribute R200pm or more, (or annual equivalent) will receive R100pm back in Uber Ride promo code and R100 back in Uber Eats promo code. Promo codes are provided on the day of signup and then again on 1st of each month.

How to load Uber promo codes 

Uber Ride promo code:
Please note that your Uber promo code must be applied in the Uber app BEFORE booking a trip (or placing your Uber Eats order).
  • Copy the code directly from the email
  • Open the Uber App and select “Wallet” from your menu
  • Scroll down to Promotions
  • Tap Add Promo Code
  •  Paste the code and tap ADD.
Uber Eats promo code:
  • Copy the code directly from the email
  • Open the Uber-Eats App and select Account” from your menu
  • Scroll down to Promotions
  • Tap Add Promo Code
  • Paste the code and tap ADD
NB: Please do not try entering the Promo code where it says Add Uber Voucher – that will not work.

Should you have any issues, please use the in-app help function; alternatively email:

I don’t want to be a member, I just want to donate

That’s cool, too. Commitment takes time, let’s get to know each other a bit better first. You can contribute purely as a donor by visiting this page

What are the donations and contributions used for?

Approximately 67% of Maverick Insider contributions go towards funding our editorial efforts. So when you say, ‘keep up the good work’, we’re able to because of your donation. The other 33% goes to pay for operating expenses such as travel, admin, finance, technical support and the witty copywriters who write this stuff.

I’ve stopped receiving my newsletter each morning despite paying?

Maverick Insider Membership and your First Thing newsletter are separate products. We don’t charge for content so you should be receiving your First Thing newsletter regardless of whether you contribute or not. If you have stopped receiving your newsletter it could be because of a spam filter on your email account, or the gravitational pull of the Death Star having swallowed it up. You can email our editor here and beg for reinstatement into his kingdom. (We’re kidding, no begging necessary but you can ask us for help on how to ask your ISP to ‘whitelist’ Daily Maverick). Or you can follow the steps from here.

We both subscribe to DM – is there a way to share a Maverick Insider membership across two email addresses?

Unfortunately, there is no way to share a membership across multiple email addresses. To that end, you would both need to sign up to be Maverick Insiders. With that said, please be rest assured that our content will remain free to read for everyone, irrespective of whether or not they are Maverick Insider members. Where membership will impact the experience is once we release ad-free browsing, the ability to comment, as well as the members’ newsletter and invites to Maverick Insider events.

What are the terms and conditions of membership?

Really? You don’t read your iTunes T&Cs but you want to check us out? In that case, you can pop over to this page.

Do you provide S18A donation certificates for contributions?

Maverick Insider membership payments are not a donation, but our investigative unit, Scorpio, does accept donations which qualify for a Sec 18A tax deduction. (Scorpio is housed in a separate Public Benefit Organisation). 

In order to issue you with a Sec 18A certificate, we would need the following information (depending on whether you are donating in a personal capacity or as a business):

  • Full Name / Company Name
  • Identity Number / Company Registration Number
  • Address / Business Address
  • Donation Amount
  • Proof of payment sent to this email address

Should you decide to donate, our bank details for Scorpio are as follows:

  • Account Name: Inkululeko South Africa Media NPC
  • Bank: First National Bank
  • Account: 62519789393
  • Branch: 250655
  • Account Type: Cheque

How do I sign up?

Logged In to

    • If you are logged in, you will be taken to the PayFast payment gateway
    • Enter your payment details and complete the process as normal

Not logged in to

    • You will be asked to enter your email address and specify a password
    • You will be taken to the PayFast payment gateway
    • Enter your payment details and complete the process as normal

I have tried signing up but can’t remember my password?

You will need to reset your password as follows, prior to signing up:

Visit & complete your sign-up with your new password.

I’m trying to sign-up but the payment page keeps buffering / doesn’t update?

There are two possible causes for this problem that we’re aware of:

  1. You are using Internet Explorer 11 or older; OR
  2. There is an issue with the password specified

You are using Internet Explorer 11 or older

There are two possible ways to resolve this:

There is an issue with your password

You can reset your password as stipulated above.

What happens if I want to cancel my membership?

You can pause or cancel membership at any time – you have complete control within your membership dashboard. 

My credit card has expired (or lost/stolen) – how do I update it? 

You can contact us on and we will send you a secure link for you to update your card details.

Despite paying monthly, I’m not able to access your content and I’m frequently asked to pay?

All of our articles are available for anyone to read – there is no paywall. The reason you may be experiencing difficulties is that the pop-up you are seeing is a 3rd party system that detects ad-blockers, and is not integrated with our database of contributors. This is something we’re currently working on fixing. Once the feature is live, logged-in members will be able to browse the site ad-free without seeing this pop-up. In the meantime, the following options will help you access the articles:

  1. Login to Daily Maverick at
  2. If you don’t yet have an account, you will need to register at
  3. This will stop the pop-ups from appearing as long as you are logged in.
  4. On the pop-up itself, click ‘Nah, journalists should go hungry’ – this will remove the pop-up.

I’m still seeing ads?

You need to log in.

I can’t make a comment?

You need to log in.

Okay, smartarse, how do I log in?

Input your email address and password that you used to sign up 🙂