Defend Truth

Jackie Nagtegaal and Yvonne Jooste

Jackie Nagtegaal is a futurist and lawyer working within the legal ecosystem. Her work focuses on access to justice and creating inclusive justice systems. She heads LAW FOR ALL, a social impact company. She holds a law degree and a Master’s degree in Futures Studies (cum laude). She is a member of the Association of Professional Futurists, of Legal Protection International, a Knowledge Adviser for the International Legal Tech Association and an Advisory Board Member for the Warrior Project, focused on gender-based violence. Dr Yvonne Jooste holds a Doctorate in Jurisprudence and is a former senior lecturer in law at the University of Pretoria. She is a freelance writer interested in the impact of dominant digital technologies on privacy, equality and dignity. Her areas of research include gender-based violence, surveillance capitalism, legal design thinking, and the intersection of law and politics.