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We’re a country of highs and lows – that’s for sure. While the Springboks’ epic win over New Zealand at the Rugby World Cup is still fresh in our minds, at the beginning of November, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana delivered his mid-term budget speech where he signalled even rougher economic waters ahead. At the very least though, interest rates look steady for now – so at least we can feel some kind of relief through the rest of the year.

Still, times are tough for the average consumer in South Africa (and the world, for that matter). With this in mind, saving every buck possible is on everyone’s mind, especially as we head into this festive season. 

Here Fedhealth Medical Scheme gives you some advice to do just that when it comes to your medical aid cover in 2024:

Re-evaluate your medical aid plan for 2024

In September, South African medical aid schemes announced their contribution increases for 2024, which ranged anywhere from 5.9% to 7.5%. However, before you switch providers, make sure you’re looking at the big picture: some schemes kept their increases lower at the expense of a smaller savings account, meaning the net effect is actually a higher increase. 

How Fedhealth does things differently

At Fedhealth, we don’t cut benefits, and we don’t slash day-to-day savings to make our increase lower. What we do offer, is uniquely structured medical aid that YOU create according to your needs and budgets:

  • Choose your own day-to-day structure (if you even want savings… we won’t force them on you if you actually just want hospital cover) so that you can make sure you have enough to last you through the year.
  • Choose how you want to pay for those day-to-day savings – a fixed monthly amount or as and when you use them.
  • On top of this, you can customise your cover even further with optional discounts. Save 10% on your monthly contributions with GRID by using network hospitals only, or 25% on your monthly contributions with Elect by paying a co-pay on planned hospital admissions. You won’t sacrifice any benefits or cover by going this route.
  • PLUS, with our one-of-a-kind total package of unique benefits, we pay for a boatload of day-to-day expenses that other schemes will fund from your savings – for things like MRI and CT scans, take-home-medicine after a hospital stay, trauma treatment at a casualty ward and many more.

By offering medical aid that you create and control, Fedhealth lets you determine your own affordability and how much day-to-day savings you need.

Medical inflation and the rising cost of treatment are forcing schemes to take desperate measures at the expense of members like you.

Switch to Fedhealth and stay in control of what you pay, and what you get – no sneaky benefit cuts, no smoke and mirrors – just quality medical aid that you create and control for your needs and pocket.

To join Fedhealth, speak to your broker, call the Fedhealth Customer Contact Centre on 0860 002 153 or visit fedhealth.co.za to learn more. DM


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