

President Emmerson Mnangagwa says those who are not happy with the Zimbabwean election result can dispute it in court

President Emmerson Mnangagwa says those who are not happy with the Zimbabwean election result  can dispute it in court
Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa addresses the media after his re-election at the State House in Harare on 27 August 2023. (Photo: EPA-EFE / Aaron Ufumeli)

Zimbabwe’s re-elected President Emmerson Mnangagwa suggested on Sunday that people questioning the results of last week’s election, which opposition leader Nelson Chamisa dismissed as a ‘gigantic fraud’, take their case to court.

Zimbabwe’s incumbent President Emmerson Mnangagwa (80) welcomed the latest election result which the Zimbabwean election commission said he won with 52.6% of the vote while the opposition Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa got 44%.

“I competed with them and I am happy that I have won the race,” he said at State House on Sunday, 27 August, amid heavy police presence in parts of the capital.

“Those who feel the race was not run properly should know where to go to.”

Mnangagwa took over in 2017 when longtime strongman Robert Mugabe was toppled in a military coup. His first term was marked by runaway inflation, currency shortages and sky-high unemployment.

Chamisa, speaking on social media platform X, formerly Twitter, said: “It’s a blatant and gigantic fraud.”

It was unclear whether the opposition would use the courts to dispute the election results, as Zimbabwe’s judges have historically sided with the governing party.

Political analyst Munjodzi Mutandiri, from the Southern Africa Liaison Office, said the opposition had more to gain by taking to the streets than to the courts.

“The questions around judicial independence won’t cure the legitimacy challenge (of the results) just as (the electoral commission’s) impartiality and perceived lack of independence have created” the disputed results, he said.

CCC spokesman Promise Mkwananzi said that the official results differed from those tallied by the opposition.

“The CCC has initiated a comprehensive citizen’s review of the vote count,” he said.

An observer team from the Southern African Development Community said voting was peaceful but noted issues including voting delays, the banning of rallies, biased state media coverage and the failure of the electoral commission to give candidates access to the voters’ roll.

Mnangagwa accused the observer mission of overstepping its mandate. “I am aware that some observer missions went beyond their call of duty,” he said.

(Reporting by Nyasha Chingono; Writing by Carien du Plessis; Editing by Bhargav Acharya and Nick Macfie)


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