South Africa


Here they are — the long-awaited changes to President Ramaphosa’s Cabinet

Here they are — the long-awaited changes to President Ramaphosa’s Cabinet
From left: Deputy Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Parks Tau. (Photo: Gallo Images / Luba Lesolle) | Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni. (Photo: Gallo Images / Luba Lesolle) | Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure, Sihle Zikalala. (Photo: Gallo Images / Darren Stewart) | Tourism Minister Patricia De Lille. (Photo: Leila Dougan) | ANC second secretary -general Maropene Ramokgopa. (Photo: Gallo Images / Lubabalo Lesolle) | Minister of Communications Mondli Gungubele | Deputy Minister in the Presidency, Pinky Kekana. (Photo: Wikimedia)

After months of speculation, President Cyril Ramaphosa finally announced his reconfigured Cabinet which included the introduction of two new ministries. The president made the announcement on Monday evening at the Union Buildings in Pretoria - nearly two hours later than initially planned.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has further expanded capacity in his office by not only appointing a Minister of Electricity but also a minister who will be responsible for planning, monitoring and evaluation. 

“While this will result in an increase in the number of ministries in the short term, as indicated in the State of the Nation Address, I have instructed the Presidency and National Treasury to develop a proposal to rationalise government departments, entities and programmes to ensure greater efficiency. This work, which will result in the reduction of the number of ministries, will inform the configuration of the government going into the next administration,” the President explained. 

The head of the Investment and Infrastructure unit in the Presidency Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, has been announced as the first-ever electricity minister, a role which Ramaphosa dubbed as “transitory”. 

The President will have to transfer some powers and functions in terms of section 97 of the Constitution

“The recently published disaster regulations empower the Minister of Electricity to issue directions to, among others, exclude critical facilities from load shedding where technically feasible, expedite various regulatory processes for energy projects; and enable Eskom to undertake critical maintenance more quickly and efficiently.

The new Cabinet announce by President Cyril Ramaphosa on 6 March 2022

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“The primary task of the new minister will be to significantly reduce the severity and frequency of load shedding as a matter of urgency. To effectively oversee the electricity crisis response, the appointed minister will have political responsibility, authority and control over all critical aspects of the Energy Action Plan,” the President said. 

ANC second deputy secretary-general Maropene Ramokgopa will be occupying the position of Minister of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation which will also be under the Presidency. 

ANC deputy president Paul Mashatile was officially announced as Ramaphosa’s second in command. 

The President announced Khumbudzo Ntshavheni as the Minister in the Presidency while Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma has been moved to the Ministry of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, a move that is seen as a demotion. 

The Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies position will now be occupied by Mondli Gungubele; Thembi Nkadimeng is the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, while the Public Service and Administration will be led by Noxolo Kiviet.

Sihle Zikalala makes his debut in the national executive as the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure, and Zizi Kodwa replaces Nathi Mthethwa as the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture. 

Patricia de Lille is the new Minister of Tourism and Sindisiwe Chikunga replaces Fikile Mbalula as the Minister of Transport.

Read more in Daily Maverick: A Presidency overhaul, some surprises and expected departures as ANC back benches deliver deputy ministers

Deputy Ministers in the Presidency are Nomasonto Motaung and Kenneth Morolong.

Ramaphosa appointed Sisisi Tolashe as the Deputy Minister in the Presidency responsible for Women, Youth and Persons while Pinky Kekana was appointed the Deputy Minister in the Presidency responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.

There will be two Deputy Ministers for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs: Parks Tau and Zolile Burns-Ncamashe. 

The two Deputy Ministers for Water and Sanitation are David Mahlobo and Judith Tshabalala. 

Bernice Swarts is the new Deputy Minister of Public Works, Dipuo Peters is the Deputy Minister of Small Business Development, Obed Bapela takes up the position of Deputy Minister of Public Enterprises and the Deputy Minister of Transport is Lisa Mangcu.

Read more in Daily Maverick: “Cabinet reshuffle leaves SA just one presidential scandal away from a chaotic Mashatile-EFF collaboration” 

The President’s announcement comes just over two months since the ANC held its congress where they elected new leadership. 

He has faced much criticism for taking his time in announcing his reconfigured Cabinet; however, Ramaphosa explained that processes needed to be followed to fulfil Constitutional requirements. 

“The changes that I am announcing now are intended to fill vacancies that have occurred in the executive and to direct government more effectively towards the areas that require urgent and decisive action.

“I have sought to balance the need for new skills and capabilities to drive the agenda that we outlined in the State of the Nation Address with the important task of ensuring stability and continuity in the work of government. In the course of attending to current challenges, we are establishing two new ministries,” he said. 

The last time Ramaphosa reshuffled his Cabinet was in August 2021 after the July unrest that left more than 350 dead.

The reshuffle included the appointment of 10 new ministers and 11 deputy ministers. DM


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  • William Stucke says:

    Good grief! Now we are saddled with duplicated Deputy Ministers! What for?

  • Gerrie Pretorius says:

    This imbecilic president of the anc is setting up a super presidency for the next anc ruler. And the taxpayers will keep on accepting being milked to death unfortunately. SA is a failed state. There is really not a single positive I see from this cabinet re-shuffle. Main reason is beki cèle, the criminal kingpin is still in charge of law and order.

  • Richard Bryant says:

    Who is in charge of State Security? Like we have criminal cartels taking over large parts of our economy and nobody is responsible for identifying and monitoring their activities??

  • Colleen Dardagan says:

    And Bheki Cele is still there – how does that happen? Although thank goodness Lindiwe Sisulu is gone as is NDZ – well, sort of! The scary thing to think about is who will be the next president? I am not feeling in any way optimistic or excited about the future of our leadership in this country.

  • Jane Crankshaw says:

    Patricia de Lille is an interesting choice for the Cabinet – perhaps she learnt a thing or two from her former DA colleagues in Cape Town ( SA’s premier tourist destination)! As for the rest, ironic that the the Colonial “old Boy network” is still around in the new South Africa. As for any future safety and security in this country…you might as well wave goodbye now!

  • Vas K says:

    In short: a sick joke and a spit into SouthAfricans’ faces.

  • Patterson Alan John says:

    I find it incongruous that people continue to use the word ‘leadership’ when referring to Government, the President or other Ministers. There has never been any leadership.

    In simple words, leadership is about taking risks and challenging the status quo. Leaders motivate others to achieve something new and better. They measure success by looking at the team’s achievements and learning.

    Can anything in that paragraph be attributed to the ANC Government?

    Round and round the mulberry bush, went the teddy bear.
    One step, two step, what am I doing over there?

  • virginia crawford says:

    The same old corrupt and incompetent crowd that have caused chaos in every department for over 2 decades. A curse on the lot of them. And we will be cursed if the ANC wins the next election.

  • Johannes Nel says:

    Lord, please help us.

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