Maverick Citizen


We condemn the assassination attempt on the Vice-Chancellor of the University Of Fort Hare

We condemn the assassination attempt on the Vice-Chancellor of the University Of Fort Hare
University of Fort Hare Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sakhela Buhlungu. (Photo: Gallo Images / Sunday Times / Alaister Russell)

We issue this public statement as concerned citizens of South Africa on the attempted assassination of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Fort Hare, Professor Sakhela Buhlungu.

We are deeply concerned by yet another attempt on the life of Professor Sakhela Buhlungu, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Fort Hare (UFH). The incident, which took place on Friday, 6 January 2022, resulted in the tragic and needless death of his bodyguard, Mr Mboneli Vesele.

We strongly condemn Mr Veseles’ brutal murder and send our deepest condolences to his family and the university community. His killing follows that of UFH’s fleet manager, Mr Petrus Roets. He was assassinated in East London last year and to date, the perpetrators have not been arrested.

Fort Hare holds great historical significance as the intellectual and political cradle of some of Africa’s most notable figures. Its rightful place is that of being the citadel of African and particularly black scholarship excellence, an honour it has been denied in recent years by corruption and mismanagement.

Current efforts to clean up its administration, to transform its academic culture and uplift its standards deserve the support of all South Africans. Academics and administrators are public servants who should not need armed protection to perform their duties on behalf of the nation. Universities perform a vital service to society. They are repositories of knowledge and training grounds for the next generation of leaders. They should not be killing fields.

We call upon the South African government to ensure the safety of Professor Buhlungu, his family, and his honest colleagues who remain at risk of physical harm. They must always be provided with adequate protection. The South African Police Services must act swiftly to ensure that the investigation into the murder of Mr Vesele and the attempted killing of Professor Buhlungu are given the attention they deserve.

We ask the public to be the eyes and ears of the university, to report any wrongdoing they become aware of to law enforcement authorities. No matter how powerful or otherwise connected, those behind this act of violence must be brought to account before the courts so that justice can be served. In this respect, it is equally important that efforts to root out corruption in the criminal justice system are strengthened so that those who engage in such criminal acts are brought to account as swiftly as possible.

Fort Hare is not an isolated case as corruption and intimidation remain pervasive in other institutions, too. In this respect, we note with sadness the murder of Professor Gregory Kamwendo of the University of Zululand a few years ago, for example.

We stand ready to support the university of Fort Hare in its efforts to regain its rightful place as a revered centre of knowledge and scholarship. All of us must remain vigilant until this goal is achieved. The value of Fort Hare’s heritage and survival is far too important to our nation to surrender to elements whose aim is to loot and destroy with impunity. We call upon South Africans from all walks of life to stand with Professor Buhlungu in his hour of need. DM

Issued by:

  1. Songezo Zibi
  2. Vusumzi Pikoli
  3. Mcebisi Jonas
  4. Lungisa Fuzile
  5. Mcebisi Ndletyana
  6. Lincoln Mali
  7. Melikhaya Rubushe
  8. Mzukisi Qobo
  9. Mamokgethi Phakeng
  10. Mills Soko
  11. Lumkile Mondi
  12. Andile Khumalo
  13. Wandile Sihlobo
  14. Ciko Thomas
  15. Tantaswa Fubu
  16. Mzu Bushet
  17. Nomalanga Mkhize
  18. Xhanti Payi
  19.  Sam Mkokeli
  20. Vusi Mba
  21. Zolani Simayi
  22. Phakamisa Ndzamela

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