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‘Stay strong and do not be afraid of white people. They no longer have power,’ says Ramaphosa

‘Stay strong and do not be afraid of white people. They no longer have power,’ says Ramaphosa
President Cyril Ramaphosa arrives at the Dr Molemela stadium in Mangaung, Bloemfontein prior to delivering the annual January 8th statement. (Photo: Felix Dlangamandla / Daily Maverick)

President Cyril Ramaphosa took a tough stand against racism as he delivered the ANC’s January 8th Statement in Mangaung on Sunday.

Two teenage brothers who fought off several middle-aged white men during a racist attack at Maselspoort Resort outside Bloemfontein have been praised by ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa.  

Delivering the party’s annual January 8th Statement at the Dr Petrus Molemela Stadium in Mangaung on Sunday, Ramaphosa outlined the party’s key priorities for the year and also talked tough on racism.

He applauded the Nakedi brothers — aged 15 and 18 — whom he invited to the stage, where he sat alongside the ANC’s newly elected leadership.  

white racism ramaphosa

An image from the alleged racial incident at the Maselspoort Resort on Christmas Day captured on video. (Image: Screenshot)

“It was such a shameful act to see old white men trying to throttle these young men and to drown them in a pool underwater, the most shameful act to perpetrate against young boys like these and that is why they are my special guests,” Ramaphosa said.

The incident took place on Christmas Day when several white men attempted to prevent the black teens from using a swimming pool they claimed was reserved for white people.

The incident was shared on social media via a 32-second video clip posted to Twitter that sparked national outrage.

Ramaphosa thanked the teenagers for fighting back against racists, whom he said had no place in South Africa, and added that those who had not reformed must leave the country.

“I thank you, boys; stay strong and do not be afraid of white people. They no longer have power, their project of apartheid is over,” Ramaphosa said.

“We commend you, and say what happened to you should not deter you. You must be strong as young men; the message I want to give to you is that the spirit of our forebears who fought against the apartheid system must fill you with courage as it does all of us.

“We honour these young men, we thank them and we also thank their parents for having stood firm to make sure that they resist the racist acts and practices being perpetrated against them.”

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The video of the incident depicts a white man standing on the edge of a swimming pool, screaming, “Get out!” and reaching down in an apparent attempt to slap a black teenager in the water.

The 18-year-old tries to exit the pool, but is shoved back by the man and the confrontation escalates. A black boy is seen being throttled by another white man who has both hands around the 15-year-old’s neck. The 18-year-old leaves the pool and tries to break the man’s grip.

Amid pleas from onlookers for the men to stop the violence, the 18-year-old is able to push the man off the younger teen and into the pool. A third white man, standing outside the pool area, grabs the teenager’s hair and pulls his head towards a spiked fence.

The 18-year-old notices an onlooker filming and tells them to “call the cops”. At this point, the man who had been shoved into the pool returns to the scene, grabs the 18-year-old around the neck and drags him into the pool. He can be seen holding the teenager’s head underwater.

The video cuts off as a fourth white man jumps into the pool to help the assailant. The 18-year-old’s arms flail as his head remains underwater.

Following the incident, a case of common assault was opened by the police. That charge was changed to attempted murder ahead of arrests being made.

Johan Nel (33) and Jan Stephanus van der Westhuizen (47) and an unnamed third suspect were arrested after the incident. Nel and Van der Westhuizen have appeared in court on charges of assault. They were released on a warning to return to court on 25 January.

In a Daily Maverick piece about a racist incident involving urination at Stellenbosch University, Professor Pierre de Vos wrote that such incidents not only humiliate the targeted victim, but remind us that racism is widely embedded in society.

“Because not many people are stupid enough to get caught on video performing acts of ‘spectacular racism’, it becomes easier for individuals and institutions to mischaracterise the problem as merely a case of a uniquely bad (or troubled) person doing something shocking,” wrote De Vos. DM


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  • Karl Sittlinger says:

    “Because not many people are stupid enough to get caught on video performing acts of ‘spectacular racism’, it becomes easier for individuals and institutions to mischaracterise the problem as merely a case of a uniquely bad (or troubled) person doing something shocking,” wrote De Vos.

    While there is no doubt that we have some glaring issues with racism and some racist white individuals, making the assumption that this behavior is normal and widespread for white people is just as wrong as assuming that there is no problem at all. It’s a logical fallacy and lazy thinking. Would be like me assuming that just because I got robbed by a black person, all black people are criminals, which is obviously a wrong statement.

    • Patterson Alan John says:

      Hear, Hear!

    • Wilhelm van Rooyen says:

      “Would be like me assuming that just because I got robbed by a black person, all black people are criminals, which is obviously a wrong statement.”

      True, but given SA’s demographics, there is ca 95% probability that your robber would be black…

  • Carsten Rasch says:

    You cannot fight racism with racism. Someone should tell our president that.

    • Gerrie Pretorius says:

      It will fall on deaf ears. The anc is racist from the core and has always been. Also see Imssterbin comment below for the full story.

  • sakkielearmonth says:

    Hurtful and cheap political mileage. Does not represent the broader white community. Black on white racism ignored or even encouraged!

  • Jennifer Hughes says:

    It’s a little disturbing, and to point, that the first two comments aren’t shock and disgust that something like this has happened but rather complaining that all white people are being stereotyped as racist or that racism is once again making white people uncomfortable.
    Right, it sucks to be in the demographic that has these disgusting people doing such atrocious things, but it’s a pretty cushy side of the divide when the other side is being drowned, throttled and urinated on.

  • Eyes Wide Shut says:

    While one cannot condone the actions of those adults who attacked the children, whether it be race driven, plain stupidity (definitely qualifies) or other reason touted by some, this plays right into the hands of the rotten-to-the-core ANC government. The very vast majority of whites know that there will never be a white led government in SA again. And even if there was one, evil apartheid will never raise its ugly head. What the people of SA (and especially the youth – including those youngsters who so bravely fought off those clowns) should be worried about is their future in this country with the filthy ANC at the helm. They should also be prepared to fight them off at the polling stations. The race card of all the equally racist ANC has left. And so they must have rubbed their hands in glee when this sad incident happened because instead of addressing it for what it is, they threw these already traumatised youngsters onto the stage to use as race currency. Nothing more and nothing less. Shame on you Ramaphosa!

    • Geoff Woodruff says:

      Well said, the vast majority of white South Africans would not want to see an Apartheid styled government ever again. Problem is that today the ANC is behaving in a similar way towards any citizen that is not black enough for them. Ramaphosa’s comments were unfortunate to say the least and were deeply divisive.

      • Matsobane Monama says:

        Vast Majority of white South Africans don’t want to see Apartheid styled government. What a nonsense. The guilty are afraid James Hardly Chase.

  • Peter Tranter says:

    Early on the day of the reported racist incident above, the two youths entered the swimming pool area reserved for residents at the resort. The Afrikaans press reporting of the day indicated that one of the youths pushed a 3-year old (dare I say white) girl into the pool, who could not swim, and had to be rescued by her father. The father then asked to youths if they were residents and went with them to their father to confirm that they were not and that there is a communal swimming pool for day visitors. The white father agreed with the black father not to press charges against the youths. Later in the day the youths returned to the resident’s pool and the ensuing cell phone recording of the fracas ensued. Why is this series of events only reported by Afrikaans media ? My wife, being Afrikaans, showed me the footage on her webpages. one must ask – who benefits from this skewed reporting ?

    • Patterson Alan John says:

      Facts don’t make for political gain.

      • Matsobane Monama says:

        The perpetrators are Grown Afrikaaner men and FACTS from Afrikaaner press, any surprises? Their kind. The white father doesn’t OWN the resort, it’s not his business going around asking questions who’s day visit or not. Report the incident to the resort staff.

  • Willem Boshoff says:

    Looking at the demographics of the political death squads, gangs and mafia-organizations meting our violence and intimidation with impunity in South Africa, I have to say I agree with the president – the youth do not have to be afraid of white people……

  • Concerned . . says:

    Vey disappointing response from our president. He should be looking to diffuse the situation, not make it worse. Fail Mr President…….

  • Libby De Villiers says:

    I agree with the president – we must not be scared of white people – we need only fear violent, uneducated, miserable sods – gangsters of all races, colours and creeds who rape, murder, steal, lie and make the lives of all South Africans miserable and unsafe. we need only fear those who terrorise and mutilate women and children physically and mentally, embarrass us internationally, rob our children from a future, poison whistle blowers, kill political opponents, protect embezzlers and drug lords, support the Russians and cow tow to the Chinese. Those are the people we have to fear, they have the power…

  • Rehana Moola says:

    It’s true that white people no longer have power. Neither do brown, pink, purple, black… . No decent law abiding people in SA have the power. That is why we have crumbling infrastructure, corrupt police, no state healthcare, education, security, water, electricity….. . It is only the politicians, gangsters, and criminals who have power. Mr President, were you implying that people who live in shacks with no access to basic essential services, people who have been stripped of their dignity as they beg on the streets, these people have the power??

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