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Ramaphosa calls for national plan of action to deal with soaring crime levels

Ramaphosa calls for national plan of action to deal with soaring crime levels
(Photo: Leila Dougan)

The ANC will push for the national government to take steps to enhance crime-fighting by increasing the number of police personnel, said ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa on Sunday.

‘We will not allow criminals to run havoc [sic],” said Cyril Ramaphosa, president of the ANC, on Sunday. Ramaphosa made the remark during the ANC’s 111th birthday celebration, held at the Dr Petrus Molemela Stadium in Mangaung, Free State. It is during this celebration that the ANC president outlines the party’s vision for the year.

One of the party’s priorities, Ramaphosa said, was fighting crime. “If you are criminals, we are coming after you,” he said, veering slightly off a prepared speech

President Cyril Ramaphosa releases a dove with NEC members at the January 8th statement at Dr Molemela Stadium in Mangaung Bloemfontein. (Photo: Felix Dlangamandla)

South Africa’s latest crime statistics, for July-September 2022, reveal that 7,004 murders, 115 rapes and 383 serious robberies were reported during that period. 

Read in Daily Maverick: SA’s ‘bloodbath of violent crime remains out of control’

“The ANC calls on and directs the national government to take urgent steps to enhance the crime-fighting capacity of law enforcement agencies by increasing the number of police personnel to match our country’s population increase, in line with international norms,” said Ramaphosa. 

He called on communities and citizens to cooperate and partner with police and law enforcement agencies to create safer communities, through effective and well-resourced community policing forums and community patrollers. 

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“The ANC’s branches will do everything they can to ensure that communities play active roles in campaigns and initiatives to safeguard safety, security, peace and stability in communities. 

“The ANC further directs government to immediately adopt and implement a national plan of action to deal with rising levels of crime such as kidnapping, human trafficking, drug trafficking, gangsterism, illegal mining, construction mafia…” he said. 

Cape Town Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis told Daily Maverick the city “would welcome improved SAPS [South African Police Service] resourcing in high crime”. Frequently, police stations in Cape Town record the highest number of reported murders in South Africa. The city (under a Democratic Alliance governance) has been campaigning for the devolution of more policing powers to its authority. 

“We are already taking guns and drugs off the streets every day, and more powers would enable us to build prosecution-ready case dockets to gain convictions,” said the mayor. 

“We call on the President to devolve more policing powers to well-run local authorities without delay as this will be a quick win to make communities safer in addition to growing SAPS resources over time,” said Hill-Lewis.

“Resourcing is also not just about officers, but vehicles, computers and cutting-edge safety technology. Cape Town is leading the way in the use of data and tech — from drones to dashcams.” DM


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  • Joe Soap says:

    The police are supposed to help in the fight against crime, but they are to busy setting up roadblocks trying to solicit bribes. Just imagine what this does to society. We need a police service that serves and can be trusted.

  • Mike Blackburn says:

    Until the rot is exterminated from the upper echelons of the police force it’s lunacy to believe that the simple addition of more warm bodies to the rank and file will make any difference.

  • Confucious Says says:

    What is the point of more police in a country where private security is hired to protect police stations??? Many of the officers do not even know the laws that they are supposed to enforce!!

  • Concerned . . says:

    Normally I would be positive to this kind of statement, but coming from our president, I cant help thinking he will end up forming a committee or 2 to assess the problem …….. then in 2 years time, the outcome will be that there is in fact a problem, with a recommendation to form another committee or 2 to look at ways to resolve this problem …… more of the same

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