Our Burning Planet


SANDF to guard four Eskom power plants under threat of sabotage and vandalism

SANDF to guard four Eskom power plants under threat of sabotage and vandalism
The South African Defence Force has been ordered to guard Eskom power stations amid the rolling blackout crisis. (Photo: Gallo Images / Brenton Geach)

Presidency spokesperson Vincent Magwenya confirmed to Daily Maverick that President Cyril Ramaphosa had authorised the deployment of South African Defence Force troops ‘in response to the growing threat of sabotage, theft, vandalism and corruption at Eskom power stations’.

Following requests by President Cyril Ramaphosa and Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordhan, Minister of Defence Thandi Modise has deployed the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) to four Eskom power stations.

The year 2022 has been the worst on record for rolling blackouts, with outgoing CEO André de Ruyter stating previously that Eskom and the country could attribute one or two stages of load shedding to sabotage.

In an interview with SAfm, he said: “This is a pattern. We found it at other power stations as well. At Tutuka, for example, people deliberately break equipment because that results in a maintenance callout, which puts money into the pockets of the maintenance contractors.”

“Of course, there are other factors in place where no doubt [these criminals] want to exacerbate load shedding, and we suspect to put more pressure on players including myself and the management teams.”

Read more in Daily Maverick: “André de Ruyter had a year from hell – and then he lost his political cover

Now, as the CEO serves the remainder of his time at the utility, the government has brought in the big guns — literally.

Asked about the purpose, scope and duration of the deployment, Presidency spokesperson Vincent Magwenya told Daily Maverick: “In response to the growing threat of sabotage, theft, vandalism and corruption at Eskom power stations, the minister of defence has responded to the request made by the Presidency and the minister of public enterprises to support the ongoing activities of the security cluster.

“This is expected to ensure that we continue to respond to security-related threats and risks to South Africa’s essential energy infrastructure; coordinate all security-related operations to protect South Africa’s essential energy infrastructure through proactive crime detection, prevention, investigation, prosecution and administration of justice involving such infrastructure, and conduct integrated joint planning sessions with relevant role players to address identified challenges affecting energy security/security of supply.” 

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Asked about the scale of the deployment, Magwenya said: “A minimum of 10 soldiers of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) will be deployed at power generation stations, with the initial deployment to Tutuka, Camden, Majuba and Grootvlei. Further deployments will be announced in due course.”

Eskom had previously announced that in November, a contractor working at the Camden Power Station was arrested after he was “positively linked” to an incident of sabotage at the station. A few weeks earlier, a coal delivery truck driver was arrested at the same power station after he was found in possession of substandard coal destined for Eskom.

Asked about Eskom’s role and reaction to the news, the beleaguered utility referred all questions to the Office of the Presidency for further information.

“Eskom welcomes this intervention as it clearly demonstrates that days of malfeasance and nefarious activities will be dealt with by the government,” said Magwenya DM

Absa OBP

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  • Johan Buys says:

    If you saw a story about a country deploying troops to national key points – it is normally in context of an attempted coup…. We’re just not calling it that

  • quinton says:

    How ironic that the President has only now called in the SADF to protect the power stations, a week after De Ruyter resigned.

  • Marius Laker says:

    I have asked for quite a while why the SANDF is’nt being used to protect the infrastructure – they will then at least deserve their wages.
    Also, with each loadshedding level the country loses millions of Rand per day; would it not make sense to spend a once off few hundred million rand to install a mass of different viewing angle security camera’s, each with a recording loop, that can be viewed after any suspicious breakdown, in order to identify culprits?

    • Patterson Alan John says:

      Since when did common sense solve any problems Marius?

    • andrew farrer says:

      fully deploy the sandf to guard all power stations & infrastructure. Part of my national service involved patrolling power lines to prevent sabotage. Given the amount of cable/ copper/ steel theft, it’s high time the country got some use out of the army.

      • Ou Soutie says:

        Agreed, Andrew! And while they’re at it, the SANDF should guard/look after other vulnerable infrastructure such as ports, railways and underground pipes.

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