South Africa


Ramaphosa’s Renew22 team decides to back Mabuyane over Lamola

Ramaphosa’s Renew22 team decides to back Mabuyane over Lamola
President Cyril Ramaphosa at the ANC’s 6th National Policy Conference at Nasrec on 31 July 2022. (Photo: Felix Dlangamandla) | Delegates at the ANC's 6th National Policy Conference held at Nasrec. (Photo: Felix Dlangamandla) | Delegates at the ANC's 6th National Policy Conference held at Nasrec. (Photo: Felix Dlangamandla) | Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Ronald Lamola. (Photo: Gallo Images / Darren Stewart)

When the Renew22 caucus met on Day 3 of the ANC’s National Elective Conference, at least 2,400 delegates agreed to support Cyril Ramaphosa’s bid for a second term as party president, with Oscar Mabuyane as his second in command.

Cyril Ramaphosa’s ANC Renew22 grouping believes Eastern Cape provincial chair Oscar Mabuyane is the perfect candidate to balance out the generational mix in the ANC’s top seven.

“It is definitely a firm decision from the caucus,” said Northern Cape Premier Zamani Saul. “There has been a difficult process of engagement. There were a whole lot of people nominated by our branches but, at the end of the day, we had to make a decision and put the matter to rest. So we agreed that Oscar Mabuyane should be our deputy president candidate.

“[Justice Minister Ronald] Lamola and Oscar fall within the same generation. We firmly believe that Oscar brings youthful energy into the position and he will really assist to ensure that we drive the programme for socioeconomic transformation,” Saul explained.

Northern Cape Premier Zamani Saul on the sidelines of the ANC’s 55th national conference at Nasrec in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 18 December 2022. (Photo: Leila Dougan)

ANC leaders have been rigorously debating who should take up the position, with Mpumalanga wanting Lamola to deputise for Ramaphosa and the Eastern Cape vying for Mabuyane. 

After weeks of indecision about who their candidate should be, a breakthrough was finally made.

The Northern Cape branch threw a spanner in the works during the nomination process when they put MP Tina Joemat-Pettersson up to challenge ANC head of organising Nomvula Mokonyane for the party’s first deputy secretary general position.

Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane

Eastern Cape provincial chair Oscar Mabuyane. (Photo: Felix Dlangamandla)

Read more in Daily Maverick:Mokonyane’s supporters unhappy with ‘late’ Joemat-Pettersson challenge, vote for ANC leaders expected this morning” 

Joemat-Peterrsson was touted after many members rejected the nominations for the position. There was a possibility that she would be uncontested.

Saul believes Joemat-Pettersson’s nomination was a “masterstroke”.

“The decision was made immediately when the position of the first deputy secretary-general was made available and nominations were called by the Electoral Commission. So, we took a decision that at least one person from the Northern Cape should contest the position. I am overwhelmed by the support that we got from the other provinces because we managed to get far more than the 25% that you need as a threshold for floor nominations,” Saul said.

Saul said Limpopo, Eastern Cape, Free State as well as North West are the provinces that have vowed to throw their weight behind Joemat-Pettersson.

If Joemat-Petterson is voted in as an official, she will be the first Northern Cape member in the ANC’s top leadership in about 70 years. 

“We are very much grateful for all the other provinces who really came out to support us. We have about 270 delegates here and we needed about 1,250 in order for her to reach the minimum threshold. We are looking forward with optimism to her winning the position,” Saul said.

Two thumbs up for Mantashe

Incumbent ANC chair Gwede Mantashe is also part of the slate and Saul reckons he deserves another term.

“We need to compensate the current national chair for the excellent work he is doing. If Gwede was not the chair of this conference and the national policy conference, we would have been visited by chaos. We like the way in which he is firm in taking decisions on directing these conferences and ensuring that there is a semblance of dignity and respect,” Saul said.

Mantashe is doing “an excellent job”, Saul said. “We, as the Northern Cape, think he deserves a second term. But it is not just us, it is a whole lot of provinces who share the same perspective.”

Delegates during nominations at the 55th National Elective Conference at the Nasrec Expo Centre on 18 December 2022. (Photo: Felix Dlangamandla)

Gwen Ramokgopa, the coordinator in the secretary-general’s office, is their treasurer-general candidate, while Maropene Ramokgopa, the coordinator of the Women’s League, has been touted for the second deputy secretary-general position. Both their nominations were from the floor.

The Renew22 caucus has thrown its weight behind Fikile Mbalula to be the party secretary-general.

This is the team that President Cyril Ramaphosa went with into the final voting round of the ANC conference

Others vying for the treasurer-general position include Ramaphosa’s adviser, Bejani Chauke, ANC national spokesperson Pule Mabe and Ekurhuleni leader Mzwandile Masina.

Mkhize’s team

Former health minister Zweli Mkhize’s slate includes Limpopo chair Stan Mathabatha, who will contest Mantashe, and ANC NEC member Phumulo Masualle, who wants to be voted in as secretary-general. 

Mokonyane will come in as the first deputy secretary-general, Western Cape PEC member Ronalda Nalumango has been nominated as the second deputy secretary-general and Mzwandile the treasurer-general.

The ANC voting process is under way at the Nasrec Expo Centre in Johannesburg, with results expected to be announced late on Sunday, 18 December. DM


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  • Josie Rowe-Setz says:

    The same Tina who sold SA strategic stocks for below market rates?

  • sakkielearmonth says:

    Just unbelievable!!

  • Jon Quirk says:

    The ANC, has been at pains over the past few years to explain, that the ANC under Ramaphosa, is vastly different to that under Zuma, and that a new page has been turned, that embrace the kind of ethical governance as espoused by the Zondo Commission, at which Ramaphosa appeared at, and where he embraced and endorsed most of the findings of Zondo.

    The past five days we have all witnessed, against a backdrop of both extreme load-shedding, and the need to call out the army to protect Eskom assets, of the unedifying sight of the ANC internal squabblings. Attendant at this chair-throwing, mud-slinging jamboree were some 970 individuals named by Zondo and whom are set to appear before the ANC ethics committee.

    Absorb that; a very significant number of those delegates electing in effect our future government, have extreme criminal tendencies, indeed one of this number even raised a private prosecution, against the sitting President, and be very clear and certain, this is not for any reason other than to muddy the waters, and to both delay his on-going prosecution, and to prevent an ethical government arising, in which he and his RET forces would, should and could, play no part in.

    This is the ethical nadir we have reached; our ruling party endorses and allows the most unethical and compromised members of our society a meaningful voice in determining the next Government.

    The ANC should hang it’s head in shame and embarrassment. It is simply and clearly no longer fit for purpose.

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