Defend Truth


Facing GBV Part 2 — Survivors face apathy from police in dealing with alleged perpetrators

Facing GBV Part 2 — Survivors face apathy from police in dealing with alleged perpetrators
A group of Street Talk speakers discuss the continuous difficulties and obstacles women face in seeking help from South Africa's justice system, when confronted with gender-based violence. (Photo: Supplied by Street Talk)

It’s no secret that the South African justice system fails victims of gender-based violence. We hear new stories every day about perpetrators walking free or failures to follow-up on reports. Justice — where is it for gender-based violence victims? 

Facing GBV – Part 2 is the second part of a 6 part series highlighting South Africa’s “second pandemic”: gender-based violence. In conjunction with the 16-days of Activism campaign, Street Talk TV strives to highlight the truths behind domestic violence and crimes against women. With special thanks to the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, the City of Cape Town’s Social Development and Early Childhood Development Department Areas East.

This film was produced by Street Talk.

See Part One here:

Facing Gender Based Violence (Part 1) — Social and systematic obstacles preventing women from escaping violence

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Street Talk is a groundbreaking television series aired weekly on community television. From grassroots to the establishment, our engaging programmes expose the lived realities and uncensored views of ordinary South Africans.

Street Talk was launched in 2008 and is a non-profit organisation — visit us

Disclaimer: Street Talk encourages freedom of speech and the expression of diverse views. The views of participants who appear in the TV series – Street Talk, are therefore their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the producers. DM


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