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Instability in the Cabinet? No such thing, says President Ramaphosa’s spokesperson

Instability in the Cabinet? No such thing, says President Ramaphosa’s spokesperson
Vincent Magwenya, spokesperson to President Cyril Ramaphosa, updating media on the President’s upcoming public engagements and responding to issues of media and national interest during a media briefing at the Union Buildings on 13 November 2002. (Photo: Elmond Jiyane)

The President’s spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya, has poured cold water on allegations of a rift between Cyril Ramaphosa and some of his Cabinet members.

“The President is not aware of such [instability in the Cabinet],” said President Cyril Ramaphosa’s spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya.  

Magwenya was speaking during a weekly media briefing in Pretoria on Sunday, during which he updated the public about the President’s programmes and energy plans for the country.  

“I have had the privilege as supporting staff to the President to attend a number of Cabinet meetings. There has been no sense of instability, there is a level of cooperation between the President and his Cabinet members. In terms of facts, there is a necessary cordial working relationship.”  

At least three members of the Cabinet have come out either questioning the stolen forex scandal at Ramaphosa’s Phala Phala farm or calling on Ramaphosa to step down as the country’s first citizen.  

First, it was long-standing minister Lindiwe Sisulu and Deputy Minister of Public Enterprises Phumulo Masualle who called for Ramaphosa to step aside while the investigation is ongoing.   Sisulu’s comments were published  in Daily News and Masualle’s in City Press.

Ramaphosa’s spokesperson frowns on calls to step aside over Phala Phala – ‘You’d expect Cabinet members to know better’

Then, at the weekend, during a National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting, Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, questioned why the US dollars at the Phala Phala farm were in a sofa, not a bank.  This was according to media reports.

Read more in Daily Maverick: “Ramaphosa pleads innocence, says charges laid against him are politically motivated 

Despite Sisulu’s comments to City Press, Magwenya maintained that the pair enjoy a good working relationship.  “Minister Sisulu serves in the Cabinet at the prerogative of the President and in that regard, there is no issue. With regards to the President stepping aside, the President has not been charged with any crime. There are investigations that are taking place. The presumption of innocent until proven guilty remains.” 

Authenticity of draft report challenged

He added that should the President be criminally charged, he will gladly step aside. Daily Maverick recently reported that a draft progress report  from the ANC Integrity Commission regarding the burglary at Phala Phala in 2020 says that the incident has brought the organisation into disrepute.  

In a statement issued by ANC spokesperson Pule Mabe on Friday night, the party challenged the authenticity of the draft report and called it “baseless”.  

The Presidency confirmed the theft, saying the money was the “proceeds from the sale of game”. Ramaphosa is a keen breeder and trader in buffalo and Ankole cattle,.  

According to several sources in the NEC, Ramaphosa said about $480,000 was kept at the farm and not $4-million, as had been reported.  

The sources also stated that Ramaphosa had complied with tax laws regarding the money and had not broken the law in any way.  

The Phala Phala forex scandal became public knowledge when former spy boss Arthur Fraser alleged this year that Ramaphosa was involved in illegal activities surrounding a burglary at his farm. He claimed Ramaphosa had breached the Prevention of Organised Crime Act, and that a large sum of US dollars was stolen from the Limpopo farm. 

Ramaphosa has been accused of having secretly instructed the head of the police’s Presidential Protection Unit, Major-General Wally Rhoode, to investigate the matter. Rhoode’s investigation led to the belief that the perpetrators were linked to a domestic worker at the farm.  

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Energy transition 

Speaking about the Just Energy Transition Investment Plan, Magwenya said South Africa cannot afford not to invest in the energy transition as it needs to contribute to the reduction of global carbon emissions to limit global warming and prevent the worsening effects of climate change.  

“South Africa’s exports need to remain competitive in a global economy where goods from countries with high carbon emissions will soon attract high tariffs. Unless we reduce our emissions, many of the goods we seek to export will find key markets closed to them. Thus, South Africa’s economy will struggle to grow and create jobs.”  

South Africa will need about R1.5-trillion over the next five years to meet these goals and Magwenya said an initial amount of R10.7-billion had been received in low-interest loans from Germany and France. 

“While South Africa welcomes low-interest [or concessional] loans, a substantial portion of this funding needs to be in the form of grants.”  

South Africa supports AU’s G20 bid 

The country has also thrown its weight behind the African Union’s bid to enter the Group of 20 (G20). South Africa is the only African country in the G20, where important global economics conversations take place. 

Magwenya also announced that Ramaphosa will travel to Bali, Indonesia, to participate in the G20 Leaders’ Summit from 15-16 November. 

“The ministers of international relations and cooperation and finance will accompany the President,” said Magwenya. DM


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