Business Maverick


Trouble in the cryptoverse — first the nuclear bomb, now the fallout

Trouble in the cryptoverse — first the nuclear bomb, now the fallout
The Tornado Cash website displayed on a laptop and smartphone screen in London on 15 March 2022. (Photo: Luke MacGregor / Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Last week I wrote about a nuclear bomb that had been dropped on the cryptoverse — the US Treasury’s sanctioning of a transaction-anonymising crypto project called Tornado Cash. The fallout has started, continues and is very ugly.

A recap: an arm of the US Treasury called OFAC slapped sanctions on a piece of autonomous software called Tornado Cash (a “mixer” in crypto-speak) because about 10% of its users were bad guys, mostly North Korean, according to OFAC. Specifically, it means no one can receive money from a Tornado Cash address, nor can they send to a Tornado Cash address. That is, if you are a US citizen. Or, more importantly, if you ever want to ever visit the US or do business with the US. 

So, everyone then. 

There were a number of astonishments here. OFAC has only and always sanctioned legal persons. It was the first time they had sanctioned a piece of computer code. Presumably because they couldn’t trace and arrest the bad actors. So they sanctioned everyone and anyone within spitting distance of Tornado Cash. Second, all of the major crypto projects that may have sent or received transactions, or may one day wish to send or receive transactions from Tornado Cash, immediately buckled and blocked Tornado Cash addresses, not wishing to anger the American government. Oh, and a seemingly innocent 29-year-old developer was arrested in Amsterdam for what seems to be, er, developing neutral software.

A nuclear bomb just exploded in the middle of the cryptoverse

It did not go unnoticed, to put it mildly, that many of the crypto projects that immediately complied with the OFAC sanctions used to boast of being “decentralised”, “censorship resistant”, “autonomous”.

Uh huh. How’s that going?

Twitter exploded in outrage. Commentator @wazzcrypto said: “The Ethereum community was all about decentralisation until a developer got arrested and suddenly everyone turned onto OFAC compliant Non-Profit Corporations.”

And here is the fallout. The US, like all other countries, wants to catch bad guys. Money launderers, for instance. They have generally done this by gumshoe detective work. Intelligence agencies. Following the money. Human sources. Stakeouts. Getting warrants. Electronic snooping. Finding out who is opening accounts in Panama. And then pouncing on someone and hauling them off to jail and charging them, presenting the evidence and if they have their ducks in a row, getting a conviction.

You know, you’ve seen 100 movies with this plot. 

Compare this with what has just happened with OFAC. They don’t have to do the hard work of finding criminals any more. Just make one of their haunts radioactive and screw the other patrons who stopped in for a glass of water. 

Read more news and analysis on the latest in the world of cryptocurrency 

Then a second fallout, happening in real time. Most people with a glancing interest in the cryptoverse know there is an energy debate around the largest cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, which uses an energy-hungry technique called Proof-of-Work to secure transactions. This is true too of the second-largest blockchain, Ethereum. But on 16 September, Ethereum will move from Proof of Work to a more energy-efficient technology called Proof-of-Stake (PoS).

This project has been years in development; it is by far the biggest event on the crypto calendar, anticipated for years and now on its final leg. It turns out that after this move to PoS in a few weeks, a near majority of the network that secures transactions will be controlled by (or through) US companies, most of it through a Nasdaq-listed company called Coinbase.

If OFAC decides one day to sanction Coinbase because it helps secure Ethereum transactions and some bad guys use the Ethereum network somewhere, OFAC could quite easily shut down a major part of the entire crypto enterprise. This is no longer just cryptocurrencies; blockchain projects have now become legitimised and useful across multiple industries, with more than 150 million users, many of whom do not care about cryptocurrencies.

I do not understate when I say that everyone who cares about crypto is terrified of OFAC’s potential to overreach here.

An analogy? The US shutting down the internet because of cybercrime. Think this is an exaggeration? Consider that China has permanently shut down large parts of the internet for one billion citizens because they don’t like criticism. Countries will do stuff that they think is in their interests, and worry about the courts later.

Like the Sword of Damocles

In trying to read what is going on between the lines, it seems the US is deciding on criminalisation before proper regulation, even knowing that it may not last. It hangs over the entire industry like the Sword of Damocles even as the lawyers suit up and prepare to challenge the government in court. For anyone interested in the legal positioning, the case against OFAC is here.

As a strategy of intimidation, this is pretty clever. Threaten everyone with jail, guilty or not, and worry about the legalities later. The goal is to force compliance with an established legacy of governance, in place for many hundreds of years, deeply resistant to shifts in power.

There will be many who might read this and say this has nothing to do with me, Bitcoin is for criminals, cryptocurrency is bollocks, crush it, ban it, snuff it out.

You’d be wrong. It has everything to do with those who fear the brute and untrammelled power of governments everywhere and who celebrate the transformative potential of new technologies. DM

Steven Boykey Sidley is Professor of Practice at JBS, University of Johannesburg.


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  • Johan Buys says:

    authorities could prosecute child smugglers, arms dealers, kidnappers, sex rings, extortionists, drug dealers, tax cheats and corrupt parties when transactions could be traced and proven. Tornado seeks to make this impossible. Anybody on the crypto train must still convince me why we need to have anonymous transactions. If there is nothing to hide, there is nothing to hide.

    • Fritz Milosevic Milosevic says:

      There are plenty of good reasons why people wish to transact anonymously, and none of them have anything to do with criminal or illegal behavior. It might even be necessary to protect one’s life. Brett Scott mentioned a few of them in his points about in cash in a podcast on epicenter-dot-tv: Episode 456 Cloudmoney – The Future of Cash

  • Ian Callender-Easby says:

    Sooner but probably later, hopefully, good ol’ common sense will prevail and crypto will have its inevitable demise. Only one problem with common sense Boykey, it aint so common.

  • Fritz Milosevic Milosevic says:

    A great article, thank you Steven (as was the case with your previous ones)! Given that the OFAC action threatens some of the most important reasons why many people are drawn to crypto I suspect that the large Web3 projects (such as Coinbase) start looking and feeling like Web2 companies to many and will lose the support of the global crypto community. The mass market might not notice (if you aren’t worried about the FAANG’s, why would you worry about the CABS (I just made that up)?).

  • Cindy Scott says:

    I could not forgive myself after falling victim to a fake cryptocurrency investment scheme I saw on Facebook, I thought it was a good means for me to make profits as I was getting close to retirement and I also saw reviews under the post that made me believe in the fake investment company called Bitbelnder. I fell into depression after losing almost $ 291 k worth of bitcoin to this company, I started thinking of taking my own life because I did not know where to begin after losing such amount of money i had been saving for my retirement. I started distancing myself from friends and family as I did not want to tell anyone what happened, until my younger sister visited and I explained everything to her, she was the one that then introduced me to this hacker that she went to the same college with, that the hacker could help me recover the bitcoin, at first I was very reluctant as I thought it was absolutely impossible for the funds to be recovered, I then decided to give it a trial and it was like magic how the hacker named Refund Policy was able to help me recover my funds in less than 24hrs. I will forever be grateful to Refund Policy and I am going to drop their contact details here in case anyone has also been a victim of these scams. Their e mail address is refundpolicy82 @ g mail. Com and their WhatsApp number is + 1. 915. 612. 6883. They can also help you investigate a cheating partner. Do not hesitate to get in touch with them.

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