South Africa


Here you go: The final State Capture report recommendations – at last

Here you go: The final State Capture report recommendations – at last
President Cyril Ramaphosa receives the final volumes of the findings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into State Capture from Justice Raymond Zondo at the Union Buildings on 22 June 2022 in Pretoria. (Photo: Gallo Images / Alet Pretorius)

On Wednesday, Chief Justice Raymond Zondo handed over the final instalment of the State Capture Inquiry report to President Cyril Ramaphosa. The ceremony took place at the Union Buildings in Pretoria at about 6.40pm, after some delays. Consisting of two parts, it covers the State Security Agency, the SABC, the ANC, Parliament, the Vrede Dairy Project, the landing of the Gupta plane at Waterkloof Air Force Base, and more. The last chapter covers the recommendations of the Zondo commission.

‘Let me start where I should start… I apologise to you, Mr President, for keeping you waiting. I apologise to all of you for keeping you waiting. I appreciate your patience and understanding for the past more than two hours, or even three.”

After this opening apology for delays in handing over a hard copy of the final report, State Capture Inquiry chairperson Justice Raymond Zondo said: “This day has arrived. It has been four-and-a-half years since the commission was established and it has been about three-and-a-half years of the hearing of oral evidence.

“There was a time when I wasn’t sure when this day would come. I am very glad it has come,” said Zondo, who appeared understandably exhausted – and a little emotional – as he handed over the final parts of his commission’s report.

The report consists of two parts: Part V (volumes one and two) and Part VI (four volumes), and includes: the SABC; the State Security Agency; the Vrede Dairy Project; parliamentary oversight; chapters dealing with money flows, and how money was moved out the country; evidence from the president of the country and president of the ANC; and evidence of the ANC and the Waterkloof landing.

The report does not include law enforcement agencies, which Zondo said was too wide a topic to include.

At the handover, President Cyril Ramaphosa paid tribute to the commission’s staff, the whistle-blowers and journalists who exposed and uncovered corruption, as well as former public protector Thuli Madonsela, who set the process in motion by recommending the establishment of a commission of inquiry into State Capture almost six years ago.

Here is the final volume in full – on all the recommendations of the State Capture inquiry. Please monitor Daily Maverick for our full coverage of all the sections in Part V and Part VI, which were made available online after the handover on Wednesday evening. We also unpack the recommendations in full.

Part VI, Volume 4: Summary Of Recommendations of the State Capture Inquiry

Read the previous four volumes of the State Capture report below:

Here you go (at last): The State Capture report – Read all about Eskom, Alexkor, EOH Holdings, Free State and National Treasury


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  • Amanda Landman says:

    The giggling of Ramaposha when he got the report about the heavy package, made me so angry, that I nearly vomited. Mr Ramaphosa – this is NO JOKE, this is DEADLY serious, a disgrace, a bloodstain on your party. Millions of people are literally dying because of your cadre deployment policies and the theft of billions which should have built a new SA. The ANC makes me sick to my stomach – I find NOTHING of this funny. Billions spent to learn of the theft of SA when we could have told everyone for free what is happening – and you acting SURPRISED??? The ANC care NOTHING even for their own, stealing from them and leaving them in poverty and misery. You should not be giggling and smiling, you should be crying, sobbing and have your party declared enemies of the people! SIES MAN!!!

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