South Africa


Arthur Fraser’s attorneys push NPA for update over perjury complaint against Sydney Mufamadi and others

Arthur Fraser’s attorneys push NPA for update over perjury complaint against Sydney Mufamadi and others
Former State Security Agency director-general Arthur Fraser. (Photo: Gallo Images / Netwerk24 / Jaco Marais)

The legal team for the former SSA head have asked the National Prosecuting Authority for an update on the charges related to evidence heard before the State Capture Inquiry.

Controversial former State Security Agency (SSA) director-general Arthur Fraser and his legal representatives want answers over perjury charges he laid over issues raised during evidence presented before the State Capture Inquiry.

Daily Maverick has seen a letter emailed to Advocate Andrew Chauke, the director of Public Prosecutions in Gauteng asking for an update on perjury charges laid against the chair of the High-Level Review Panel review into the State Security Agency Dr Sydney Mufamadi, former SSA acting director-general Loyiso Jafta and SSA operatives only known as Ms K and Mr Y over evidence heard during the State Capture Inquiry. In addition, subornation of perjury charges was laid against State Capture Inquiry evidence leader advocate Paul Pretorius SC and a member of his team, Advocate Veruschka September. 

Fraser has taken issue with evidence led at the State Capture Inquiry. News24 reported in February 2021 that Fraser laid the perjury charges against Mufamadi, Jafta, and the operatives as well as the charges against Pretorius and September. 

Daily Maverick has reported extensively on the ongoings including large amounts of money that allegedly went missing and monies that went unaccounted during Fraser’s tenure at the agency.

Read more here: Commission hears of alleged covert ops in media, judiciary, civil society, academia and unions, costing taxpayers ‘hundreds of millions’

In April 2018, Fraser was transferred from the SSA to the Department of Correctional Services, where he was National Corrections Commissioner. Fraser stayed in the position until September 2021, when his contract was not renewed — but not before signing off on the parole of former president Jacob Zuma according to The Citizen

More than one year later, Fraser’s legal team is seeking an update. “Following the submission of the police investigation docket into our client’s compliant to your office for decision more than a year ago, our client has not been advised of the progress of the investigation, nor of the decision in this matter,” reads the letter. Fraser’s legal team Mabuza Attorneys want a response from the director within seven days about the progress of the investigations into these charges. 

The Gauteng office of the NPA has confirmed to Daily Maverick it received the letter on Friday evening. “We are currently tracing if the docket was indeed brought to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for a decision,” said the NPA Gauteng office. 

The update comes as the State Capture Inquiry is due to release its findings regarding the agency. SSA findings have not yet been released, as previous reports have dealt with findings related to troubled government entities such as Eskom, Denel and Transnet. 

During his interview before the Judicial Service Commission for the position of Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo (also the chair of the State Capture Inquiry) was asked why he did not subpoena Fraser in relation to evidence about his time as the agency’s head after Fraser failed to pitch during evidence hearings. DM


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  • says:

    The NPA should just tell him to go to the back of the queue, so he can enjoy waiting like the rest of us. Then after ten years they can tell him they are unable to proceed due to insufficient evidence, and he can take it further if he wishes…

  • Johan Buys says:

    Fraser had the opportunity to confront and cross-examine his accusers to expose their perjury but did not. Why not?

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