South Africa

Maverick Citizen: Op-ed

Saving Liliesleaf –A Freedom Day appeal and pledge

Saving Liliesleaf –A Freedom Day appeal and pledge

South Africans know that we are living in challenging times on just about every front. Liliesleaf’s struggle for survival is therefore not unique. But it is symptomatic of a broader struggle of memory against forgetting.

The financial crisis that affects the heritage, arts and culture sector in South Africa is widespread. It is symptomatic of poor policy, gross neglect and mismanagement affecting just about every sector of our society and economy – a significant portion of the funding intended for the delivery of services and infrastructure to meet the needs of the poor, most marginalised and vulnerable, has been squandered through corruption. 

Liliesleaf has been outspoken about the current funding crisis in the heritage, arts and culture sector because they are an expression of the history of our country and identity and will be lost for future generations if nothing is done to halt and reverse their systemic demise and disintegration. 

Our struggle against apartheid was hard fought; our freedom and democracy were won by the countless men and women who were willing to sacrifice all, including their lives, for the cause. Thus, it is incumbent upon us that we ensure that the history of our liberation struggle is preserved for the current and future generations. 

To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: it is “for us, the living, who must be dedicated to the great task remaining before us that we honour the full measure of their devotion and sacrifice and that we resolve to remember and ensure their sacrifices shall not have been in vain”.

As explained here and here, because of government’s antiquated funding policy for heritage, arts and culture and the irrational treatment of this sector under BEE funding criteria and recognition, Liliesleaf and so many other heritage and historical sites have long faced financial challenges. 

The funding crisis we are experiencing today has only been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has exposed the fragility of our existence. 

Crowdfunding campaign

In response, Liliesleaf has launched a crowdfunding campaign in a desperate attempt to keep the institution from having to close down completely. Given the prevalence of corruption and mismanagement of funds, we feel it is important to be open and transparent and to account fully for where and how the funds will be spent. 

To start with, Liliesleaf is run according to best practice in the areas of financial management and governance; we have a fiduciary duty and responsibility to report and account to our Legacy Project and Core Operational Funders and the Board of the Liliesleaf Trust as to how the funds were spent. The institution has fully audited financials going back to the establishment of the Trust in 2002. There is a clear separation of the oversight and management between Legacy Program funding and the day-to-day operational funding and expenditure.

The most telling recognition of the management of Liliesleaf has been the 11 national and international awards (one being voted by the British Guild of Travel Writers as the Best New Tourism Project in the World) it has received, which includes two Loeries and an award for running the historical site on a shoestring budget.

The funds raised through the crowdfunding campaign will be used to resume administrative and day-to-day operational requirements of the institution. The first priority will be to pay outstanding and future salaries of our dedicated employees who have not received full salaries since July 2020.

Our staff are the lifeblood of Liliesleaf. They ensure the history of the site remains alive, whether through the tour guides, the maintenance and cleaning staff, who ensure the site, buildings and exhibition are cleaned and cared for, to the administrative staff. Their livelihoods and that of their families has been seriously compromised and their welfare is of great concern. 

Another pressing priority will be to ensure the archive, which must be controlled under specific temperature conditions relating to the air conditioning and humidity, is maintained. 

The payment of utilities is therefore key, as having the electricity cut for non-payment would have a severe detrimental effect on the institution – the archival material in particular, which is housed underground, would be at risk from lack of appropriate temperature control and potential flooding if the underground pumps in place failed.

Our pledge to you is that all revenue generated, and how it is spent, will be made public through regular updates on our website so that every person who donates can track and be assured that their donation is being spent as intended.

We are therefore asking the public to come to our aid through a crowdfunding campaign and to help us to meet the basic operating costs to keep Liliesleaf functioning and open.

The campaign will take place today, Freedom Day. We will be asking people to donate either R27 or R60 to commemorate 27 years of democracy, 27 years Nelson Mandela spent in prison and the 60th anniversary, this August, since Liliesleaf was purchased. 

Donations can be made via the Liliesleaf website or here DM/MC

Nicholas Wolpe is the CEO of Liliesleaf.


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