Lockdown Recipe of the Day: Killer paprika oven baked chips

Lockdown Recipe of the Day: Killer paprika oven baked chips
(Photo: Sean Calitz)

My mate Nibs Price is a real character, a native Welshman who has been living in the Karoo for ages, and he has many wonderful talents. Cooking is not one of them. He can claim credit for many spectacular kitchen catastrophes. Imagine my surprise when he came up with the idea for these chips. Fortunately he left the execution to me but nonetheless the man deserves credit.



Serves 4

3 large, skin-on chip potatoes

50ml olive oil

5g smoked paprika

10g teaspoon medium salt, plus more as needed

5g cumin seeds

5g garlic powder

15g minced fresh rosemary


Cut your potatoes into large chips, skin on, and place in a bowl of cold water for 15 minutes to allow starch to leach out.

Meanwhile heat a pot of salted water to boiling point. Add the chips and blanch for 5 minutes, remove and carefully drain and allow to steam dry for a minute or two.

While the chips are drying, mix the spices together and then sprinkle over the chips, with a drizzle of the oil, gently toss through to ensure an even coating and that no chips break, and slide onto an oven tray.

Try to make sure the chips are spread out nicely on the tray and give another drizzle of olive oil over them. Pop into a preheated oven at 220℃ and bake for 15 minutes, open the oven quickly and sprinkle the rosemary over and give the chips a good shake, bake for a further 15 mins or until crisp and golden.

Serve hot with a touch more salt. DM/TGIFood

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Thank God It’s Food is sponsored by Pick n Pay.

First published in Gordon Wright’s book Karoo Food (Penguin/Random House)


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