Lockdown Recipe of the Day: Cheesy Venison meatballs in tomato sauce

Lockdown Recipe of the Day: Cheesy Venison meatballs in tomato sauce
(Photo: Sean Calitz)

Meatballs, or Frikkadels, are pretty easy to make, the kids can get involved and offer a hearty meal with leftovers (usually) for a next day snack.


Venison is nice and lean so the addition of some cheese adds some richness and gooey-ness to the dish that just makes it all the scrummier. Obviously you can use any mince you fancy.


Serves 4-6

1 kg venison (or other) mince

5 g salt

10ml Mustard

2 g black pepper

5 g turmeric

5 g Masala curry

5 g nutmeg

1 onion, finely chopped

3 cloves garlic, finely chopped

1 egg

65 ml milk

Juice of ½ lemon

100ml tomato paste

200 g grated cheddar cheese

300 ml passata (Italian tomato) sauce

10 fresh basil leaves



Mix all ingredients except tomato sauce and basil and then make +/- 100g balls. Pop into a casserole dish with a dash of olive oil and brown them nicely on the stove top, then cover with basil and tomato sauce and bake in preheated oven at 160℃ for 35 mins.

Serve over creamy mash or Polenta. DM/TGIFood

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Thank God It’s Food is sponsored by Pick n Pay.

This recipe featured in Karoo Food by Gordon Wright (Penguin)


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