Maverick Citizen


Schools without water stay shut as others open, while taxi industry defends price hike

Schools without water stay shut as others open, while taxi industry defends price hike
Commuters walk to and from taxis at the Bara Taxi Rank during the national lockdown in Johannesburg, South Africa. (Photos: EPA-EFE / Kim Ludbrook)

On Monday, the majority of schools reopened — however many had to remain closed because of a lack of water and sanitation. The taxi industry has announced a major increase in prices. Meanwhile, the EFF plans to head to court to challenge an SANDF inquiry that concluded that soldiers were not responsible for the death of Collins Khosa. The premier of the Eastern Cape has said he hopes to convince the National Coronavirus Command Council to reintroduce the ban on the sale of alcohol in the province under Level 3.

Swipe through the gallery below to view the latest Covid-19 numbers available on 8 June at the district level. All maps are sourced from provincial health departments. KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and the Free State did not provide an update by the time of publishing:


Most schools in KwaZulu-Natal reopened on Monday, according to Education MEC Kwazi Mshengu. However, 104 schools could not open because they still did not have water. The pupils have been accommodated at nearby schools while water tanks are arranged. Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Gauteng and the Eastern Cape reported that most schools reopened, but some stayed shut because of a lack of water and proper sanitation.

Photojournalist Shiraaz Mohamed was at the school gates in Johannesburg to witness the nervousness as pupils passed through the screening and the excitement as they were reunited with their friends. 

Taxi commuters across the country can expect a steep increase in prices, according to the South African National Taxi Council. It said the industry felt it had no option but to increase prices from 15 June to recover from the economic shock of the lockdown and the limit on the number of passengers.

The EFF has vowed to challenge an investigation by the SANDF which concluded that soldiers were not responsible for the death of Collins Khosa. Party leader Julius Malema has said they had already helped the Khosa family with legal representation and to hold the funeral. He did not say when and how the party would take action.

The Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane plans to ask the National Coronavirus Command Council to reintroduce the ban on the sale of alcohol in the province under lockdown Level 3. He said the province fears alcohol will put extra pressure on the healthcare system as there has been a surge in alcohol-related incidents since the start of Level 3. DM


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