Lockdown Recipe of the Day: Peanut Chicken in Cream

Lockdown Recipe of the Day: Peanut Chicken in Cream
(Photo: Sean Calitz)

Karooster (as this Karoo boy calls himself) Gordon Wright represented South Africa at the International Slow Food event, Terra Madre, in Italy in 2018 where he was ‘up against a cocky Scottish chef who thought he was Gordon Ramsay’. This is the dish he made. He beat Chirpy McRamsay.


Peanuts and chicken are a great flavour combination. This is also possibly one of the easiest chicken dishes on the planet. I prefer to use bone-on chicken pieces as they seem to hold more flavour but you can use whatever pieces you like, you may also want to add more or less peanut butter, depending on your taste. Either way, it’s sure to become a family favourite.


Serves 4-6

8 pieces chicken (legs, wings, thighs)

150g crunchy peanut butter

250ml cream

1 Tbs honey

1 tsp soya sauce

1 tsp grated ginger

1 clove finely chopped garlic

1 red bell pepper, chopped

1 whole chopped chilli (optional)

Salt and pepper to taste

1 Tbs peanut oil.

1 tsp lemon zest

Juice of ½ a lemon.

150g baby mielies (corn)

100g green beans, halved

Fresh coriander leaves to serve

50g chopped roasted peanuts


Mix all ingredients except the baby mielies, beans and coriander into a thick sauce.

Place chicken in a casserole dish, pour sauce over and bake, covered, for 1 hour at 160deg C, add the veg and gently stir in. Bake for a further 30 mins, uncovered, until meat is falling off bone.

Serve over brown rice with a sprinkle of peanuts and coriander over the top. DM/TGIFood

First published in Gordon Wright’s book Karoo Food (Struik Lifestyle).

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