

First Thing Wednesday, 9 May 2018

US President Donald J. Trump holds up a national security presidential memorandum on Iran that he just signed in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House in Washington, DC, USA, 08 May 2018. Trump announced plans to pull out of Iran nuclear deal. Trump announced that he will reimpose sanctions that had been waived under the Iran nuclear deal. Five nations including the United States worked out a deal with Iran in 2015 that withdrew sanctions. EPA-EFE/MICHAEL REYNOLDS

“War always takes you by surprise.” ― Marjane Satrapi

A detailed forensic investigation into SAPS/SITA alleged corruption amounting to R6.1-billion has revealed a matrix of interests inside and outside SAPS and SITA and which are connected to their service providers, specifically Keith Keating’s Forensic Data Analysts. One of the most glaring facts is just how many of those implicated were former cops or SITA employees, including white supremacist Boeremag member Andre Tibert du Toit.

While You Were Sleeping

Trump blunders into Iranian deal withdrawal

On Tuesday night President Trump tore up the United States’ brokered deal with Iran and its nuclear programme. Giving precisely zero evidence to justify the withdrawal, Trump will now seek to reinstate sanctions against Iran. In doing so, the United States just reneged on a contract it proposed and negotiated, effectively giving the next move, and the momentum, to Iran. With Syria a boiling mess and Hezbollah set to rise to power in Lebanon, Iran is not without its own foreign policy tools that can sting back.

Iran boots up Uranium enrichment

In response to Trump’s foray into foreign policy, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has vowed to start up uranium enrichment facilities “within weeks” if other signatories to the accord do not salvage the deal. Rouhani maintained a level response to Trump’s tirade, insisting that the nuclear was a multilateral one, and could still succeed with EU and Russia’s sanction-thwarting support. The EU, Britain and Russia all disapproved of Trump’s move, putting some of America’s allies in a very sticky spot.

Google develops AI to ‘unplug’

If ever you thought that more technology was the best way to unplug from digital saturation, you could be a Googler. The tech giant unveiled on Tuesday an artificial intelligence tool it hopes can help removed much of the daily digital stress we encounter daily. Making restaurant bookings, a haircut and the like all require interaction with phone and information. Google’s AI, it seems, can do all of this, replete with conversational ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’ to make our impending robot doom seem more human.

Uber partners with US Army to test quiet tech

Uber has announced it would be partnering with the US Army to develop new, quieter rotor technology. It is hoped that the partnership could be utilised in flying cars, helicopters and future SEAL Team raids on global terrorist hangouts. At just $1 million for the initial project prototyping phase, don’t expect a five-star autonomous rotorcraft UberX at your door anytime soon.

In Numbers


The half-life of LSD.

Facts of the Day

Today in 1974 formal impeachment proceedings begin against President Richard Nixon.

All of the minions in every movie so far has been male.

BFN: min: 6° max: 22°, cloudy
CPT: min: 13° max: 17°, cloudy
DBN: min: 16° max: 26°, sunny
JHB: min: 11° max: 22°, sunny
KIM: min: 8° max: 24°, sunny
NLP: min: 11° max: 32°, sunny
PMB:min: 13° max: 28°, sunny
PE: min: 9° max: 25°, cloudy
PTA: min: 11° max: 26°, sunny

Financial Data
JSE All Share=57,665.24
BTC$=9 226


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