
South Africa, World

While you were sleeping: 8 March 2018

While you were sleeping: 8 March 2018

Trump walks back tariffs threats, nerve agent confirmed in Russian spy attack, and Warner defiant despite starting de Kock spat.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

“Potential has a shelf life.” 
Margaret Atwood


SARS boss Tom Moyane lied to Parliament and the public about the extent and content of the disciplinary inquiry into his right hand man Jonas Makwakwa. Scorpio can reveal that the closely guarded and highly secretive disciplinary findings had no relation whatsoever to the damning financial intelligence report that forced the suspension of Makwakwa in the first place. Thanks to Moyane’s sleight of hand, Makwakwa found himself back in his top job after a year of what amounted to paid leave. Scorpio shows how the whitewash was done.



Tariff talk walked back by Trump

US President Donald Trump diluted his promises of steel and aluminium tariffs on Wednesday. After a week of encouraging a global trade war on America, the White House revealed that there would be exemptions for allies. This would include Canada and Mexico on the grounds of national security – they would receive exemptions for a limited period of 30 days.


Russian double-spy attacked with nerve agent

British authorities have confirmed that a former Russian double-agent who collapsed in a town square was targeted with a nerve agent. Police have confirmed that they have identified which nerve agent it is, but were not ready to reveal the type just yet. Sergei Skripal, his daughter and two others who came to his aid are all seriously ill.


Warner defends De Kock fight

Australian Vice-Captain David Warner has maintained his defiance in the face of stiff disciplinary action for a fight with Quinton de Kock on the fourth day of their Durban Test. Warner claimed that De Kock insulted his wife. Footage showed the outburst after Warner instigated the scuffle, calling the Protea a “f**king sook”. You would think all the sunshine from Warner’s glass house would shed some perspective on this for him.


Catholic Church criticised by Irish ex-president

Former Irish president Mary McAleese has slammed the Catholic Church, labelling it an “empire of misogyny”. McAleese pointed out that there are precious few positions of leadership within the church for women. The former president is expected to hold a conference soon that will issue a call for women to be included in church decision-making.




The age, in years, of the world’s oldest discovered message in a bottle.



Today is International Women’s Day. This day commemorates the movement for women’s rights.

Teddy Roosevelt is the first and only president to have killed a cougar with a knife.





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