South Africa

#ANCdecides2017, South Africa

Letter to the Editor: We will decide our future, not the ANC

Letter to the Editor: We will decide our future, not the ANC

Today we wait for the ANC to elect a new president. We wait and hope that the party will find a new guiding star. We watch on Twitter, eNCA and even ANN7, switching between WhatsApps, looking for crumbs of clarity about our future. But, my fellow South African, the ANC will not decide our future. We will. By MARIUS OOSTHUIZEN.

My fellow South Africans, we are the people of South Africa. We are the mothers of Mzansi and the children of the soil. We are the leaders of today and the bearers of tomorrow. Never, and never again shall we look to one man to guide us. We will not trust in him or her or them, but in ourselves. Our elders have fallen prey to greed, but our hopes are alive and we are strong.

My fellow South Africans, let us not look to the ANC to save us from poverty, from inequality or unemployment. Let us not look to NDZ and CR17 and other purveyors of promises. Let us look to ourselves. We are the heroes we have been waiting for. Our hands, our work and our young minds will save us.

My fellow South Africans, let us look within ourselves and among us for a new dawn. As fear, lies and anger darken their minds, let us shine our hope into one another’s hearts. We were here before Polokwane, we will be here after Nasrec, and we will be here to see our children working, and full of life and growing.

My fellow South Africans, ask not what the ANC will do for you, but what we can do together, as a people. This is the calling of our generation – to take our liberty and turn it into productivity.

Tomorrow, when the sun rises and we know for certain who will lead the beloved ANC, let us not be confused about who will lead our beloved country. Let it be us. Let it be us, my fellow South Africans. Let us be the children of Madiba, who will build his dream of a nation, free from hate. A land of togetherness. Let us prosper and leave a legacy for our children’s children. Let the whole world say, “South Africa, a miracle people. They did it themselves. God was with them.” DM

Marius Oosthuizen is a member of faculty at GIBS. He teaches leadership, strategy and ethics. 


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