
South Africa, World

While you were sleeping: 6 November 2017

While you were sleeping: 6 November 2017

Queen's tax haven exposed in Paradise Papers leak, Texas shooting killed 26, and Saudi prince cleans up his corrupt house.

Monday, 6 November 2017

“We scream ‘death to the fascists!’ They scream, ‘death to the reds!’ We are both saying the same thing: ‘death to the baddies!’ Everybody everywhere is against the baddies, everybody everywhere is rooting for the goodies.”
Charlie Connelly

Elections aftermath: Why did the ANC ignore its own research?

If the NDZ/MKMVA cap fits, wear it. 


Paradise Papers embarrass world’s elite

The “Paradise Papers”, a leak of documents revealing tax haven secret stashes, has got the British royal family in a spot of bother. According to the leak, Queen Elizabeth’s private estate has secretly invested millions of pounds in offshore tax havens. Also implicated were many of President Donald Trump’s cabinet members, including payments from Vladimir Putin’s son-in-law to a shipping group of the US commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross. It’s all legal, barely, but smells terrifically fishy.


Twenty-six dead in Texas church shooting

A gunman has killed at least 26 people and wounded 20 at a church in Texas. He was identified as a “young, white male” estimated to be in his 20s. Authorities stated that the attacker stormed the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs with an assault rifle. As he exited the church, a local resident used his own rifle to fire back at the suspect, who then fled, and was found dead in a crashed vehicle later on.


Saudi Arabia cleans house

Eleven princes, four ministers, and dozens of former cabinet members have been arrested in a corruption-related purge by the Saudi Crown Prince. Appointed leader of Saudi Arabia by royal decree, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has begun a massive anti-corruption sweep-up, which evidently included several of his fellow princelings. It’s not quite the red wedding, but Sunday was definitely a shock to much of Saudi Arabia’s royal family.


DRC sets elections for December 2018

The interminably-delayed elections to replace President Joseph Kabila have been set for December 2018. Opposition groups called for the leader to step down much sooner than this, however. They are penned in for 23 December 2018 and the local commission stated that there would be presidential, legislative, regional and local elections. That will be quite a few X’s on many sheets of paper, then.




The estimated number of wild parrots living in New York City. They were accidentally released from a shipment at JFK airport.



Today is Obama Day in Kenya. No plans are in place for a Trump day any time soon.

Children who are given frequent antibiotics at a young age suffer from diminished “good” gut bacteria, thereby causing the development of food allergies .





Zuma acts without fear of consequence



‘Hain the Pain’ (A)gain

A column by BRIJ MAHARAJ


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