
South Africa, World

While you were sleeping: 12 September

While you were sleeping: 12 September

Widespread labour protests to hit France, US Supreme Court upholds refugee ban, and Tesla gives out free Irma-related range upgrades.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

“I just can’t listen to any more Wagner, you know…I’m starting to get the urge to conquer Poland.” 
Woody Allen


SA business leaders and company directors have come face to face with a critical ethical decision. Should they part ways with KPMG or not? The fact that a major business corporation such as KPMG has become complicit in the machinery of corruption is a golden opportunity for the business sector and company directors to reveal their own ethical values. 


France braces for massive protests

A hundred and eighty protests nationwide are expected to kick off today in France. Aimed at protesting labour reforms meant to combat unemployment, 4,000 strikes have been proposed by France’s largest trade union, CGT. The Macron-led reforms should change the way businesses hire and fire people, making it a lot easier to shuffle staff, something which naturally makes labour unions’ eyes twitch uncomfortably.


US Supreme Court upholds refugee ban

The Trump administration’s refugee ban was upheld on Monday by the US Supreme Court. Granting a petition by the Trump government to put aside a ruling by the San Francisco Appeals Court has placed some 24,000 refugees, who are already within the immigration pipeline, into a world of uncertainty.


Sanctions approved for North Korea

The United Nations Security Council unanimously approved new sanctions against North Korea late on Monday. The sanctions will ban textile exports and restrict the shipping of oil-related products. Punishing the dictatorship for its sixth nuclear test, the sanctions will be unlikely to motivate Dear Leader, who will remain largely unaffected (personally) by the sanctions, very much.


Tesla hands out goodwill battery upgrades

Irma-stricken Tesla drivers were given a free upgrade to their car’s battery software. Extending their vehicle’s range by 30km, the patch usually costs several thousand dollars, but in this case was handed out for free. The patch expires on 16 September, however. There is also the larger question of how much control Tesla has over your car once it rolls out of the factory, but Irma’s victims are unlikely to care too much about that.




The number of years ago that blonde hair emerged in humans.



Today in 1977 Steve Biko is assassinated.

A 45kg person on Earth would weigh just over 1.3kg on Pluto’s moon Charon.





Neither God nor Gaia is punishing America

A column by IVO VEGTER


Towards December 2017: Part ll

A column by SEAN MULLER


BFN: min: 14° max 32°, sunny
CPT: min: 11° max: 16°, cloudy
DBN: min: 20° max: 25°, sunny
EL: min: 17° max: 25°, cloudy
JHB: min: 13° max: 29°, sunny
KIM: min: 16° max: 34°, sunny
NLP: min: 13° max: 34°, sunny
MHK: min: 12° max: 33°, sunny
PMB: min: 22° max: 37°, sunny
PE: min: 12° max: 26°, sunny
PTA: min: 14° max: 30°, sunny

Financial Data
JSE All Share=56,008.77
FTSE 100=7,413.59


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