South Africa

South Africa

ANC Policy Conference: View from the floor

ANC Policy Conference: View from the floor

As the 5th ANC policy conference drew to a close ORATENG LEPODISE and PUSELETSO NTHATE, despite the media clampdown, spoke to some of the delegates to get their views on the discussions, the outcomes of the conference and what their expectations going forward were.

Nelson Ruben Trevor, Chairperson of ward 21, Damonsville, North West

“I am happy with the outcomes. I honestly think everything was covered. What pleases me most is the fact that the youth was active and they made quite an impact. They came sober minded and had interesting ideas which is what we need in this country. I want to also comment on the fact that social grants must be invested in the education of the children.  Parents should open education funds for their children instead of just using the grants. Lastly I support the idea of second deputy president because unity is important.”

Zweli Siziba, Secretary of Sarah Mahlangu Branch, North West

“The conference was perfect and clear. It met the expectations I had. I am personally going with (Nkosazana) Dlamini-Zuma as president. I support the motion that says that we should have two deputies and that the one with the most votes should be the president while the one with the second highest votes become the deputy president. I feel like the ANC is going to be more united. What is important is to focus on unity. Going forward from the conference we are expecting the President to visit all provinces to engage them in the leadership of the party.”

Joseph Mantsho, Chairperson of Lesetja Sexwale Branch, Limpopo

“The conference has met my expectations. I was mostly worried about the disunity but after this conference it is clear that the ANC has unified. One thing we have also achieved, which I am happy about, is the implementation of policies. We had many policies which are good but no implementation methods. We were able to come up with different implementation methods for our policies which makes me happy.”

Charles Chipu, Secretary of Bosemahla Branch, Polokwane

“The conference was a success, we are strong and united as the ANC, this shows that going forward from here we will be even stronger. I am looking forward to the end of the year conference in December.” DM

Photo: Delegates at the ANC 5th National Policy Conference, July 2017. Photo: Ihsaan Haffejee


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