South Africa

Politics, South Africa

In photos: People’s March, Union Buildings

In photos: People’s March, Union Buildings

Tens of thousands of people marched to the Union Buildings on Friday calling for President Jacob Zuma to resign or be recalled. For the organisers, it was a success. The vibe was very “Rainbow Nation”, with charged political anger. GREG NICOLSON was in Tshwane.

In the run up to the civil society-organised march to the Union Buildings, there was much criticism it would be manned by white South Africans protecting minority interests. In the morning, marchers filed into Church Square, past the statue of Paul Kruger. (Greg Nicolson)

Hundreds of motorbike riders joined the march. A Save SA supporter handed them roses. (Greg Nicolson)

A large police contingent was on hand but the march was peaceful. One protestor burnt a T-shirt with President Jacob Zuma’s face on it. (Greg Nicolson)

“You can’t fix stupid but you can vote it out,” read one placard as the march got underway. (Greg Nicolson)

This protestor walks near Freedom Front Plus banners. Perhaps the most odd thing about the march was seeing EFF supporters and Freedom Front Plus supporters together to demonstrate against Zuma. (Greg Nicolson)

Save SA’s Sipho Pityana walks with the SACP’s Solly Mapaila on the front lines of the People’s March. (Greg Nicolson)

Zwelinzima Vavi, with the flag, walks alongside  COPE leader Terror Lekota. (Greg Nicolson)

There was a festive atmosphere at the Union Buildings, with protestors from all backgrounds uniting against the president. (Greg Nicolson)

“Zuma down,” a young boy’s sign read, held up in front of the Union Buildings at the People’s March. (Greg Nicolson)

A number of the placards at the People’s March were creative, like this one referencing the popular movie Tsotsi. (Greg Nicolson)

Bikers ride into the People’s March at Church Square before it got underway. There were hundreds of motorbikes that led the march. (Greg Nicolson)

A protestor walks in front of one section of the People’s March. It was broken up into different sections as people walked to the Union Buildings. (Greg Nicolson)

The People’s March against President Jacob Zuma was strung out on Madiba Street in Tshwane. (Greg Nicolson)

At the Union Buildings, barbed wire was set up in front of the fence separating the home of the executive from the lawns where protestors gathered. Many police were on hand. (Greg Nicolson)

“Economic serial killer,” read one sign referring to Zuma. (Greg Nicolson)

“This is not what our mothers’ children died for,” read another. (Greg Nicolson)

MAIN PHOTO: The People’s March was much more diverse than expected, a large win for organisers. People with a range of political affiliations, or no political affiliations, took to the streets against the president. (Greg Nicolson)


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