

Only crime Gordhan, Jonas committed was being incorruptible – Jackson Mthembu

Cape Town - The only crime Pravin Gordhan and Mcebisi Jonas have committed is being incorruptible, African National Congress chief whip Jackson Mthembu says.on of our public purse with highest levels of integrity and morality. We stand with them.” DM

The chief whip has been a staunch and vocal supporter of the former finance minister and his deputy, calling for party leaders to rally behind them.

Following the removal of Gordhan and Jonas from the Cabinet, Mthembu took to Twitter on Friday to offer them his support.

Zuma announced a Cabinet reshuffle just after 00:00 on Friday morning, ditching the two ministers, as well as tourism minister Derek Hanekom.

Mthembu said it was “plain rubbish” that Gordhan and Jonas had sold their soul to foreign forces.

This was in relation to a report stating that Gordhan and Jonas had planned to meet foreign businesses to discredit Zuma.

This is believed to be the reason for their recall from the overseas trip.

“I disagree with the removal of Gordhan and Jonas based on a suspect intelligence report. Their committment to the NDR is unquestionable,” Mthembu tweeted.

“Pravin and Jonas will never sell their soul and country to foreign forces. That is plain rubbish. Their crime is their incorruptibility,” he continued.

Mthembu also took to Facebook to praise his two comrades.

“Both these comrades have served the ANC, its government and the people of SA with utmost dedication, selfless commitment characterised by high levels of incorruptibility, high levels of integrity and morality.”

“Their other crime is defence and protection of our public purse with highest levels of integrity and morality. We stand with them.”DM


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