
South Africa, World

While you were sleeping: 23 March 2017

While you were sleeping: 23 March 2017

Four killed, 40 injured in Westminster terror attack, mass graves discovered in DRC, and polar ice at record lows.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

“You raise your voice when you should reinforce your argument.”
Samuel Johnson


On Wednesday, Hawks head Lieutenant-General Mthandazo Ntlemeza filed an application for leave to appeal a judgment handed down by the Pretoria High Court, setting aside his appointment as head of the country’s top crime fighting unit. Ntlemeza is being supported by Minister of Police Nathi Nhleko who has also appealed the ruling by Judge Peter Mabuse. Both Ntlemeza and Nhleko argue that Friday’s order was made based on “pronouncements” by Judge Elias Matojane in the Shadrack Sibiya suspension matter that Ntlemeza is dishonest and lacks integrity and that he had not been provided with an opportunity to defend himself.


Four killed in London terror attack

Four people have been killed and another 40 injured in yesterday’s attack on Westminster. Believing it to be linked to Islamist terrorism, British authorities are now conducting the mother of all investigations into the knife-wielding attacker. Prime Minister Theresa May has not raised London’s threat level, but labelled the attack “sick and depraved”.


World reacts to Westminster assault

Messages of sympathy from world leaders poured into the United Kingdom overnight. World leaders from France, Germany and United States spoke directly with Theresa May, while the Eiffel Tower lights were turned off at midnight. Donald Trump Jr meanwhile took to Twitter, misusing a quote from London’s mayor and effectively suggesting Sadiq Khan stated that living with terrorism was part of life in London. 


Mass graves found in DRC

The United Nations announced overnight that it had uncovered 10 mass graves. Located around the Kasai region, it is possible that the mass graves could be linked to deaths of anti-government rebels and political opponents of President Joseph Kabila. UN officials suspect that there may well be more mass graves elsewhere in the area.


Polar ice hits record lows

Polar ice cover on both sides of the world has hit record lows. The smallest in 38 years of satellite monitoring, 2017 saw 37,000 square miles less polar ice compared to the last record low in 2015. Anti-global warming moonbats no doubt will attribute this to encroaching lizard-men hoarding the ice for space cocktails.




The age of a set of footprints discovered that showed a dog and a child walking together, the earliest evidence of man’s partnership with canines.



Today is World Meteorological Day

Shingo, Japan, is believed by its residents to be the final resting place of Jesus Christ. They believe his brother Isukiri died in his stead.




Helen Trumped by her Thumbs



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CPT: min: 16° max: 25°, sunny
DBN: min: 23° max: 35°, cloudy
EL: min: 22° max: 36°, sunny
JHB: min: 12° max: 29°, sunny
KIM: min: 21° max: 31°, cloudy
NLP: min: 11° max: 32°, cloudy
PMB: min: 15° max: 35°, PM rain
PE: min: 19° max: 26°, rainy
PTA: min: 13° max: 29°, cloudy

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