
South Africa, World

While you were sleeping: 18 October 2016

While you were sleeping: 18 October 2016

Trump cries foul, Assange loses his internet privileges, and Mourinho hails glorious draw against Liverpool.

“Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.”
Mae Jemison

Story of the Day

Seven days in October: How two women bookend the beginning of the end for Jacob Zuma 

It began on Saturday October 8 with the sudden death of Fezekile Kuzwayo, the woman who accused Jacob Zuma of raping her in 2005. It ended on Friday October 14 when outgoing Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela, obtained a preservation order in the Pretoria High Court for her final report into state capture by the Gupta family. Sandwiched between these two bookends, a sequence of dramatic events occurred that marked the beginning of the end for the disastrous term of office of President Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma, the 13th President of the ANC and the fourth to lead post-apartheid South Africa. These seven days in October will do down in history. By MARIANNE THAMM.
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While you were sleeping

Trump blames media and Clinton for losses

Donald Trump lashed out on Monday over what he now calls a “rigged election”. Charging Hillary Clinton and the media with “felony corruption” for the manner in which he has been portrayed, Trump and his wife have come out swinging against ongoing claims of lewd comments and actions. For the Orange Menace, at least, toys have been firmly thrown out the cot. Read More

Ecuador cuts Assange’s internet

His Ecuadorian hosts have cut off WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s internet. This was in response to his organisation’s publishing of hacked emails belonging to Hillary Clinton. Bereft of his wifi, Assange is now as organisationally useful as an udder on a bull. Read More

WWF warn of oceanic decline

The WWF has cautioned that the ocean environment in Melanesia is expected to degenerate. Citing overfishing, overpopulation and climate change, the environmental organisation has advised urgent changes to address the decline, lest the critical ocean ecosystem go the same way as the Great Barrier Reef. Read More

Mourinho praises draw for Man United

Manchester United manager José Mourinho has argued that his team highlighted Liverpool’s weaknesses after holding the team to a 0-0 draw. Mourinho, who stated his intention to “win” before the season’s start, is evidently now satisfied with a glorious draw. Liverpool had 14 shots on goal, compared to Man United’s one. Read More

In Numbers

18 minutes

The total amount of ‘action’ seen at your average baseball game.

Facts of the Day

Today in 2007 saw the tragic murder of Lucky Dube in a botched hijacking.

An entire species of bird, the Stephens Island Wren, was hunted to extinction by Tibbles the cat. Tibbles remains the only single animal, human or feline or otherwise, to single-handedly eradicate a species.


Financial Data

BFN: min: 11° max: 27°, rainy
CPT: min: 12° max: 23°, sunny
DBN: min: 15° max: 21°, cloudy
EL: min: 15° max: 22°, cloudy
JHB: min: 10° max: 23°, PM rain
KIM: min: 13° max: 27°, PM rain
NLP: min: 13° max: 20°, cloudy
PMB: min: 9° max: 22°, cloudy
PKN: min: 13° max: 23°, cloudy
PE: min: 14° max: 22°, cloudy
PTA: min: 12° max: 28°,PM rain

JSE All Share=50,769.01
DJIA= 18,086.40
FTSE 100=6,947.55

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Photo: South African President Jacob Zuma attends a luncheon for world
leaders during the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly at
the United Nations headquarters in New York, New York, USA, 20 September
2016. EPA/PETER FOLEY / POOL Seven days in October: How two women bookend the beginning of the end for Jacob Zuma 
By Marianne Thamm
Photo: NPA head Shaun Abrahams (GCIS), former Oakbay CEO Nazeem Howa
(TNA) Analysis: Dizzy days at State Capture central 
By Stephen Grootes
Photo by André Smith. Requiem for Fezekile 
Photo: Darling Wind Farm, by Warren Rohner via Flickr Comparative Analysis: The cost of new power generation in South Africa 
By Chris Yelland
Photo: An armed South African police officer lifts his gas mask after
stones were thrown at them during ongoing protests with students from Wits
University as the #FeesMustFall movement continues its protests against the
cost of higher education, in Johannesburg, South Africa, 17 October 2016.
EPA/KIM LUDBROOK #FeesMustFall: Wits students accuse police of abuse 
By Greg Nicolson
Photo: This photo of Rwandan President Paul Kagame launching a drone
on October 14, 2016 in Muhanga District was taken by Cedric Kagimbanyi
(@kagcedRW) and shared on Twitter. In Rwanda, drones come to cure, not kill 
By Simon Allison
Main photo: A protester and police officer scuffle on UCT’s
upper campus on Monday. (Ashraf Hendricks) GroundUp: Poo-r show as protesters throw faeces into UCT’s law and economics buildings 
By GroundUp
Main photo: Police and protesters are caught in a scuffle outside RW
James building (Shaun Swingler/Chronicle) In Photos: The $#!T hits the fan at UCT 
By Shaun Swingler
Photo: Tshepo Motsepe, General Secretary of Equal Education. (Photo by
Ashely Furlong from GroundUp) Op-Ed: Abandon the draft W Cape Provincial School Education Amendment Act 
By Tshepo Motsepe
Photo: Gauteng Health MEC Qedani Mahlangu (SATOUR via Flickr) Health-E: Dead patients’ families want answers 
Photo: Stones are left behind as tribute and in commemoration of the
victims on steles in the former Nazi concentratiuon camp Buchenwald
Memorial, near Weimar, Germany, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day,
27 January 2016. Attending to a wreath-laying ceremony on the same day
together were concentration camp survivors, representatives of the state
government and parliament. In Buchenwald with its 136 satellite camps, the
SS detained approximately 250,000 people from around the world, of which
about 56,000 did not survive. EPA/MARTIN SCHUTT Op-Ed: Coming to terms with the past – lessons from Germany 
Photo: Supporters Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro attend an
event where he presented the budget for 2017 in Caracas, Venezuela, 12
October 2016. EPA/Cristian Hernández ICG: Crisis-hit Venezuela’s political rivals stumble towards talks 
By International Crisis Group
Photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) talks to Uzbek Prime
Minister Shavkat Mirziyoyev (R) after laying flowers on the tomb of late
Uzbek President Islam Karimov at the Shakhi-Zinda cemetery in Samarkand,
Uzbekistan, 06 September 2016. EPA/ALEXEI DRUZHININ/SPUTNIK/KREMLIN POOL ICG: Starting anew in Uzbekistan 
By International Crisis Group
Photo: Supporters hold placards as US Republican presidential nominee
Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Charlotte, North Carolina,
USA, 14 October 2016. The US presidential election is scheduled for 08
November 2016. EPA/ERIK S. LESSER US 2016: Trump’s ultimate descent into total darkness 
By J Brooks Spector
More than 150 surfers dressed as the characters of fairy tales and
cartoons take part in 1st SUP (Stand Up Paddleboarding) festival
'Fontanka-SUP' in central St. Petersburg, Russia, 15 October 2016.
Originally an off-shoot sports of surfing originating from Hawaii, Standup
paddling has meanwhile found its way to European coastal and inland waters.
EPA/ANATOLY MALTSEV While you were sleeping: 17 October 2016 
By John Stupart


IvoVegterBW Is Joburg really drinking Lesotho dry? 
By Ivo Vegter
MareliseBW After fees fall 
By Marelise van der Merwe
Robyn-Wolfson-Vorster-Bio-pic-01.jpg Home Affairs names and shames SA’s abandoned children 

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