Maverick Life

Maverick Life

Podcast: First Person, Ep. 03 – Fifty Shades of OK

Podcast: First Person, Ep. 03 – Fifty Shades of OK

What would you do if the sexual flame in your relationship went out completely? Drink more? Take up golf? Have an affair (maybe you already know the answer)? Or would you set off on a whole new sexual adventure? Find out how many ‘shades of grey’ there really are? That’s exactly what Faeth Lyon-Wall (not her real name) did - and all with the blessing of her husband. Journey into a world where pain and pleasure mix and where conventional boundaries are more than blurred, they’re obliterated. FIRST PERSON is the Kagiso Media podcast series launched earlier this month. Hosted by Daily Maverick’s MARIANNE THAMM.


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