South Africa

Politics, South Africa

Bheki’s Ordinary People: At Gauteng launch, supporters acknowledge challenges, still sing ANC praises

Bheki’s Ordinary People: At Gauteng launch, supporters acknowledge challenges, still sing ANC praises

On Saturday the Gauteng ANC finally launched its manifesto at the FNB stadium in Soweto. In the weeks leading to the launch the manifesto’s agenda was conveniently ignored while everyone latched on to filling the stadium. Here is how some ANC exponents think the party will fare in the upcoming local government elections. By BHEKI C. SIMELANE.

Peter Chen, 46, Rooderpoort

I’m here to support the ANC in its manifesto launch. I have been in South Africa for the past 15 years. When I first came here the country was a lot more settled politically than it is now. Actually South Africa was even better than China during that time. I like the ANC’s policies because they are invest-friendly. I’d say the biggest challenges that affected the ANC over recent years is the drastic dip in the economy. I came here today hoping that the provincial manifesto would address crime and I’m not all disappointed as a lot has been promised to end crime in the country. I hope the ANC works on its laws as I am very concerned with corporate lawsuits. I’m a proud ANC supporter, it’s the biggest and most reliable party. We will definitely win the elections on 3 August.”

Fisokuhle Mashabane, 21, University of Johannesburg, Soweto campus

The reason I’m here is because I want to witness what is contained in that manifesto. I am hoping the ANC addresses most of the challenges facing young people today. I need to witness what the ANC has in store for the youth. The ANC is the only party with a voice, not only for members but for everybody. The support we received is amazing and remember this is just Gauteng, one of nine provinces. I acknowledge the challenges that the party is faced with. The ANC presents policies that are fertile to economic growth but need to be more inclusive of the country’s students and learners. We will definitely triumph on August 3.”

Gontse Masilela, 24, Bronkhorstspruit

I’m here to lift the party that liberated all South Africans. I just thought it’s wise to support the ANC as a young person and hope others follow suit to preserve our party values. The ANC has provided jobs and housing but there are still many challenges that need to be addressed and soon because it’s clear many people are not happy with the way things are done. This kind of support tells me that despite the huge challenges, the ANC is still united as a leading party. I was hoping this manifesto would distinctly address the issue of land and nepotism. We don’t have jobs as youth and we are disappointed because we feel nepotism is the reason. We see it in our own constituencies. People must have patience and let the ANC deal with these challenges. When all is said and done, the ANC will emerge victors, come 3 August.”

Tsholo Sono, 30, Winterveldt

I’m here to support the ANC and I’m happy with the support shown here today. It tells me that the ANC will conquer in the local government elections. It’s great to see people come out the way they did, especially the youth, many of whom will be voting for the first time. It might be a little dramatic to crucify the president over his mistakes, because he apologised and the ANC accepted his apology. Mistakes have no doubt been made but the ANC is learning from them. They might cost us in August but not as much as to surrender our constituencies to the opposition. I think that the energy that we have seen today will transfer to 3 August. Local government is ours.”

Makgeledisa Thoshoko, 58, Johannesburg

I’m here to show our ANC support because there is so much dissatisfaction. We have come a long way and will not allow the likes of DA and EFF to ruin it for us. I will be with the ANC till the end because the ANC is well established and experienced. We cannot afford to be led by a new political party because they will take us back. There are challenges as would be in any new democracy and the ANC is learning from them. What I hate about opposition is that Zuma stole taxpayers’ money. These careless utterances have poisoned our people’s minds. No, I’m not saying there was no wrongdoing, however it does not mean that the opposition should be disrespectful to the president. We will win local government come 3 August.”

Noluthando Fani, 52, Carltonville

I’m here to support the ANC in its provincial manifesto launch and I’m very happy with the attendance. This kind of support tells me that the ANC will remain in power for a long time to come. We are a peaceful organisation, that is why many people still associate with us and we know the opposition cannot say anything good about the ANC. I’m not saying that we managed to keep a squeaky-clean image, everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect and the opposition should know better. Twenty-seven years, barefooted in prison is no joke, my boy. The support that you see means people still have hope. Come 3 August, we are taking everything.”

Joseph Matji, 29, Soweto

I’m here because I need to know what the organisation plans to do for our people. The support we got means the people still believe in the ANC. Even if the challenges that the ANC faces hurt us during the local government elections, many born frees will be voting for the first time and will make it up for any losses. The youth that came out here today will be voting. We have been governing for over 20 years and such experience helps us overcome difficult challenges, and always will. Also the discontent that prevails in our communities does not mean that people are happy. Certain individuals are responsible and not whole communities. The ANC is learning from its mistakes and we will take the economic hub.”

Priscilla Shabangu, 38, Ekurhuleni

I’m here for the ANC provincial manifesto launch and witness what we all have known all along, that the ANC enjoys massive support. ANC policies are clearly defined and inclusive, even inclusive of the EFF. We are aware of the challenges haunting the party but the ANC badge will stand forever because people will continue to believe in the ANC. ANC support in Gauteng is 197%, we will be victorious once again come 3 August.” DM

Main photo by Greg Nicolson. All other photos by Bheki C. Simelane.


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