South Africa

South Africa

#FeesMustFall: In Johannesburg, students fight their way through another historic day

#FeesMustFall: In Johannesburg, students fight their way through another historic day

On Thursday, University of Witwatersrand and University of Johannesburg students filled the Johannesburg streets outside the African National Congress's headquarters as they continue to demand no fee increases at varsities in 2016. Today, they will march on the Union Buildings. By BHEKI SIMELANE and GREG NICOLSON.

The police have been accommodating to University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) students’ protests in recent days but on Thursday they drew the line. When University of Johannesburg (UJ) students finally joined the fray and wanted to march to the African National Congress’s (ANC’s) Luthuli House a line of South African Police Service and metro cops blocked off Nelson Mandela Bridge, with rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear gas at the ready. The tense standoff ended when students decided to march back to UJ.

After a brisk march to UJ, students were blocked from entering the Kingsway campus. They were denied entry at the main gate by over a dozen beefy Fidelity security guards who formed a scrum to keep the gate closed. Upon realising that trying to convince security to allow them in wouldn’t work, students tried to gain entry by other means. Some scaled the fences. One student tried to break the gate’s padlock using the four legs of a chair but the legs simply bent.

University of Johannesburg students on Thursday morning marched to Wits before marching back to their varsity where they were locked out of the Kingsway campus. After failing to force their way in, both students and private security guards started throwing rocks at each other. (Greg Nicolson)

A fierce verbal and physical fight ensued. Students and security guards began to throw stones over the fence at each other, leading students to run through the UJ car park. A window of the reception office was smashed. While everyone was ducking away from the stones coming from all directions, the gates were suddenly flung open. Students filed into the campus but their hard-fought win was short-lived.

When  University of Johannesburg students finally made their way into the Kingsway campus, they held their hands up to security to signal that they don't want to fight. (Greg Nicolson)

The muscular security guards formed a human shield at the top of the overhead bridge to prevent students from accessing the campus where hundreds of others were waiting. The students decided to push back, forcing security to retreat into the campus. The scuffle lasted an hour-and-a-half. Students, mostly male, would on occasion manage to overpower the guards, allowing a number of them to rush through before the guards recovered.

Thousands of students shut down parts of the Johannesburg CBD on Thursday as they marched to the ANC's Luthuli House. (Greg Nicolson)

Apart from the commotion at the Kingsway campus’s main entrance, students were well behaved. Once the obstacle of getting into their own university was gone, they simply milled inside about and sang.

On Thursday morning, students from  University of Johannesburg and Wits wanted to march across Nelson Mandela Bridge into the CBD but were stopped by police. Here, students hold hands to form a barrier for the march while behind them a police officer holds his finger on the pin of a stun grenade. (Greg Nicolson)

However, a group of students who attempted a sit-in at Luthuli House on Thursday were pepper-sprayed, and there were reports that students faced tear gas and rubber bullets while trying to occupy a road near UJ in Auckland Park in the afternoon.

Outside the University of Johannesburg, protesting students who could gain entry looked at those inside the gates and asked what they are doing to support the movement. (Greg Nicolson)

Speaking of the brutality students have suffered at the hands of police and other security forces, incoming Wits Student Representative Council (SRC) president Nompendulo Mkhatshwa said students were surprised and shocked at the police reaction to their peaceful protests.

Leaders of the student demonstrations against fee increases have said the action is not about party politics, but diverse students with different political affiliations have joined and outside Luthuli House on Thursday some blamed President Zuma for their predicament. (Greg Nicolson)

“Sisters and brothers we have had police shoot at us, we’ve had them them tear gas us. We are being brutalised by the police. Private security companies shoot at us. This is the beginning. We are here, we are young and alive and prepared on cold the floors,” she said.

While students were gathering and arguing over who could speak at UJ – SRC elections were supposed to be taking place – others from the university and Wits had already started making their way to Luthuli House, and were eventually allowed by police to proceed.

Thousands of demonstrators came to Luthuli House on Thursday and while the main event was peaceful a group who attempted a sit-in after others had left were reportedly pepper-sprayed. (Greg Nicolson)

“The youth of 1976 took charge and we should do the same. Make no mistake by thinking this is a political march. This is a united march as you can see we we are in cahoots with other parties. Police must leave us alone. This is no police march,” said one student.

Thousands of people filled the street outside Luthuli House in support of students’ core demands – no fee increases at universities in 2016, free education and an end to outsourcing staff at varsities. “We are not lost. It was our intention to come here. This is where [Wits vice-chancellor] Adam Habib was appointed. This is where provisions in the Freedom Charter are inscribed on the walls. We are also here to remind the ANC of its 2012 resolution to implement free education. The ANC government will never provide free education. We must take it,” said Dlamini.

ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe, Cosatu President Sidumo Dlamini and Security Minister David Mahlobo were present from the ANC, as was Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa. (Greg Nicolson)

The ANC’s truck-cum-stage was parked on the street and secretary-general Gwede Mantashe looked on with Congress of South African Trade Unions president Sdumo Dlamini and Security Minister David Mahlobo as the party’s record on the affordability of education was criticised by its own young leaders and Vuyani Pambo from the Wits Economic Freedom Fighters. Mantashe wanted to speak from the truck but the students pressured him to come into the crowd to receive their memorandum.

Like many political parties, civil society groups and academics, Mantashe has expressed support for the movement and criticised the management of universities. On Thursday the ANC met with the ANC Youth League, South African Students Congress, Young Communist League, and Congress of South African Students, which together form the Progressive Youth Alliance, and agreed to raise their demands with the government.

ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe had called for the microphone on the ANC truck that was outside Luthuli House on Thursday but student leaders pressured him to come into the crowd to receive their memorandum. (Greg Nicolson)

Habib also said he supports the students on Thursday, but put the onus on the government. “The chairperson of council and I, together with other vice-chancellors and chairs of council, and student leaders will be meeting with the president tomorrow. We will voice support for the students’ struggle and their demands. We hope in this meeting to reach a decisive agreement that will see an immediate resolution to the short-term crisis, and a substantive plan to resolve the long-term challenge of underfunding for higher education,” he said in a statement.

While tertiary education stakeholders are meeting with President Jacob Zuma on Friday, students will march to the Union Buildings. DM

Main photo: Wits EFF leader Vuyani Pambo, with the microphone, is flanked by incoming SRC president from the PYA Nompendulo Mkhatshwa and former PYA SRC president Mcebo Dlamini outside Luthuli House. (Greg Nicolson)


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