

In pictures: Lesotho concludes its voting

In pictures: Lesotho concludes its voting

Lesotho’s election came to a conclusion on Wednesday with the formation of yet another governing coalition. During the voting and counting process GREG NICOLSON was there, and brings you pictures from the sidelines.

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On a road into the start of Lesotho’s highlands, children line up on the mountain pass selling peaches, R10 a bowl. Later, young herders tell us the children have “troubles”; they can’t afford transport to school.

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Images of Basotho on donkeys and wearing blankets are common from Lesotho’s mountains. These young men could not speak English but recognised the opportunity and continually said “money”.

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A shepherd with three dogs and a flock of sheep on the hills below stands outside a hut.

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The Mohale Dam, a strategically important location for South Africa’s water supply, lies about 100 kilometres from Lesotho’s capital Maseru.

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In front of an old building, a young man waits for the bus on a donkey.

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David, left, carries a sixpack of Castle Milk Stout for his father as he walks from the bus to his village a few kilometres away. David’s father was a gold miner in South Africa and with few work opportunities locally, David would also like to go to South Africa for work.

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Three men take a break from work outside Maseru to smoke. They say they support the Democratic Congress, which eventually formed a coalition to govern after the elections.

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One of the group smokes his own product, homemade beer at his feet.

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Another gets back to work cutting grass for the local cattle. The men say they work seven days a week.

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Merchandise for Thomas Thabane’s ABC party is sold in Maseru, where Thabane, who became Prime Minister after the 2012 elections, is popular for his anti-corruption stance.

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Motlatsi Matsieng sells fruit and cigarettes in the streets of Maseru.

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Locals on the streets of Maseru celebrate as a convoy of DC and LDC supporters, parties which eventually formed a government, rolls by.

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Before the election, clashes between police and the military were feared as the security arms were aligned to opposing parties. Violence was averted, although at times the situation appeared tense with police on the streets. DM

Main photo: At the food market nearby, Tseliso Sehloho and his colleagues at the Big Mamas stall hoped ABC would take the election.


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