

India’s rage against rape

India’s rage against rape

The recent gang rape and murder of a 23 year old woman thoroughly shook the Indian nation. There have been nationwide protests ever since the news of brutal assault by six men on a moving bus came to light. SHOWKAT SHAFI was at the Delhi gathering.

On Saturday when it was declared that she had died (her name is yet to be released), hundreds of people gathered at Jantar Mantar, the centre for all the protests in the city to mourn her death. They carried placards and shouted slogans demanding capital punishment for the rapists and more security for women in the country. These protests continued on Sunday as well, with an even bigger turnout. The protests were mostly peaceful, but also saw a violent clash between the protestors and police at one point as the protestors tried to break the barricades. The police have imposed a security lockdown in the Indian capital, where the areas around India Gate and Raisina Hill have been cordoned off for the public. These areas had witnessed violent protests earlier in the week after the gang rape incident and police had fired tear gas and water cannons at the protestors. People are expected to continue with the protests indefinitely until their demands are fulfilled. DM

(All photographs by Showkat Shafi)

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