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VIDEO: The US right-wing fringe celebrates Chicago 2016 defeat

VIDEO: The US right-wing fringe celebrates Chicago 2016 defeat

Rachel Maddow’s sombre, sobering segment says it all.

Can you hate so much as to lose all reason? Have you ever hated somebody so much that, if she/he said the colour of a white porcelain cup is, indeed white, you will automatically, with all honesty and determination, claim that the white porcelain cup is, indeed again, black?

Well a phenomenon of just such soap-operatic proportions is happening right now in the US. Ever since Barack Obama was sworn in as president in January this year, the US right-wing lunatic fringe can’t stop bending the edges of the universe. To them Obama is fascist, socialist, racist, weak and a bully all at the same time. Of course, a world-wide conspiracy has it that he was  taken from his Kenyan birth place (Mombasa) him as an infant only a few months old and spirited to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he was planted to destroy everything that any decent US citizen considers sacred: God, capitalism, the American way of life, and the right to carry arms, multiple arms. And no efforts at persuasion will work.

The latest example: Chicago’s losing bid to host the 2016 Olympics. As TDM reported, the mere fact that Obama supported Chicago (where he formerly worked) and, in an effort to sway some late votes, finally decided to travel to Copenhagen himself, sent the right-wing into orbit. And when Chicago lost, they just couldn’t hold it any longer.The Rachel Maddow Show is usually full of acerbic wit and most of the time genuine entertainment. But her segment about right-wing reaction on hearing that Chicago lost says it all, and is more frightening than funny. Profoundly disturbed people they are, but well worth watching, though.



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