Defend Truth

If you’re having trouble receiving our newsletters…

Newsletters and ISPs are in an eternal fight for whitelisting. In a time of copious spam, sometimes the good guys, like us, get lumped in with the nefarious emailers of the world. If you suddenly stop receiving our newsletters, here is how you can help us get to you and others.

Q: Why don’t I get my First Thing anymore? 

Firstly, don’t worry. It’s not you, but it’s also not us.

Your email service provider is likely actively blocking emails from Daily Maverick to your inbox. This is not the new generation of media censorship coming to the fore but rather overzealous IT departments nuking your morning news, Zapiro cartoons and so on before they ever get to your inbox.

How do I fix it? 

Like any good email insurgency, the best method is from within. As such, we would really appreciate it if you could email whoever your IT support desk, computer nerd-in-chief, or corporate email department is. Please paste the below email to them, along with the PDF request doc, and hound them to their dying days until they ‘whitelist’ Daily Maverick. 

This should then open up the floodgates and allow you to get all your morning news while you were sleeping, working, or weekending.

I’m confused…

Please email and we’ll be happy to help you through this process.



Daily Maverick Whitelist Request


Good Morning,
As one of South Africa’s leading news organisations, Daily Maverick is reaching out to local ISPs in an attempt to help clear up any possible blacklisting issues with our readers. We have been encountering an increased volume in bounced traffic from local service providers, as raised by our readers directly.

As such, we have attached our ISP whitelist “brief” on Daily Maverick and what we do and would appreciate any assistance we may receive in clearing the Daily Maverick domain from any blacklisting.

Best Regards
The DM First Thing team